First I would like to express my heartfelt prayes and good thoughts to Jude, from the email contacts I have had with her she is truly an inspirational  woman and has help support so many others in there time of need without thinking about her self


So to All My TM family Thank You all for the broadcast and personal responses last night. I as at a total loss on what to do as never had issue with my arms or hands. I did go to the ER and I am back in Piedmont hospital in Bukhead (Downtown Atlanta GA) Got up Wed am neck and back was stiff and I thought I slept wrong and went on in to work, by 2 my hands started to sting and get stiff (like when you have been raking leaves all day and last there stiff and sore) I could not make a fist or straighten them out… to painful to even pick up my office pen left work on time and went home… progressively got worse and pain was almost unbearable

Talked to Jenna for awhile kicking around what to do, she gave me the number to our on call Nero. He said to go back and rest and only go to ER if my mobility is effected… well after and hour of “rest” I could not get comfortable, and when I went to stand up my good left leg it gave out like my right would and I hit the floor, we had already packed an ER bag so headed to Piedmont. From time in door to ER bed was less than 15 minutes… Nero on call was the one I talked to at home, he told ER doc to start running the usual test too see if there was any infections, if not start the steroids ASAP, then comes my friend Morphine!

I was admitted to a room by 3 and by 5 I could make a fist and straightened my hands out, was still painful but I could do it... by 9 am most the pain is gone now still a little sore, There going to give me triple the steroids required to keep the left leg from getting worse ! (Oh and let me tell you Morphine at 9am for breakfast ROCKS)!!

I had my MRI’s today Brain (yep was confirmed I have a Brain) Neck, upper and lower spine), they did contrast and Non contrast, Let me tell you 3 hours in a MRI, not fun! Will know results tomorrow and will post ya all


They are talking about sending me home tomorrow with the IV pump and bags and I can changed myself or see how I feel and if I am still week I will be here until Sunday (I vote for stay here and let them do the work, will have plenty on my plate once I get home)


So good new is the left leg did not spread and the pain level is back to what it was Tuesday before the newest relapse


So all and all this flair up /relapse is turning out good new and I get all the free “Sugar Free Pudding” I want!, Bad new is if I see "House" walk in I will just cash my chips in LOL 

(Note with the Morphine I have not had any sleep since I got up at 6:00am Wed to go to wokd so going on 45 hours and no sleep,  from here on you will have to “sound out a lot of my emails) Per Jenna last year when I was sending out email on Morphine they were funny to read (they made sense to me and I even spell checked but guess Morphine plays tricks with my spell check ability) The words look fine to me but she said there not. Sso will keep ya posted if you can’t understand the email pass it to a small child and they will translate for you!

Hugs and prayers to all of you!

(Oh and looks like I wont be making the Atlanta support group this weekend


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