Dear  Bernie,
We are blessed to hear from  you anytime you have the opportunity and feel up 
to it.  You and your  sister are really going through the mill and my Prayers 
are many and  straight to Heaven for you both.
I am supposed to be having  mandatory surgery on the decubitus ulcers on my 
ischeal bones.  Parts  of the bone must be cut out as it is infected.  I am 
running into a  problem because I am not supposed to sitting at all, 
Dr.'s  orders.   I have been traveling by ambulance for a month or so,  and  
although the insurance company has up until now, covered the  cost, they are 
saying they will no longer pay for my rides to and from  medical appointments.
The cost for the ambulance is  $178.00 each way.  Sorry, but we simply do not 
have that kind of  money.   I don't know how I am going to travel.  It hurts  
like hell to sit and I will be doing more damage if I ride around on my  
behind in the wheelchair.  As soon as they get back from lunch, I  will be on 
phone with the Dr's office trying to figure something  out.
So goes the life of a person  with TM.  I too, love everyone on the list.  
And, the many  special people I am close to, know who they are.  Thank you for 
the  support, love and Prayers.  I am proof that Prayer works, so please  keep 
it up.  Pray that the infection does not come back, that I will  be strong 
enough for surgery and that I will recover quickly and without  too much pain.
Those of you that know me  well, know how deeply I believe in the Power of 
Prayer in the name of  Jesus Christ.  Please keep me on your Prayer lists in 
Church, Prayer  groups and in your daily Prayers.  I will do the same for  you.
Bernie, you are number 1 on  my list.  We have known one another a long time 
now.  This is my  8th year on the List.  I am so thankful for every one of 
those years  despite the pain and agony and complications with TM.  I love you 
and  the whole body of people who make up the List.
In a message dated 2/9/2009 11:38:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

My Dear TM Friends and  Family,
It has been a very long time since I have  posted to the group; these past 
months or almost two years now have been  awful to say the least. 
Rick, I am not sure what happened to  your son, but I gather he has passed 
on, so I send you and your family  my sincere condolences for your loss. But as 
was said by others, we may  be 'strangers' in many ways, but we are also a 
very large family and we  feel each others pains and sorrows.
To Jude, my dear  friend... I have caught a few excerpts of what has been 
happening with  you. And I hope you know you are in my prayers, as well as Rick 
and all  others. You have the spirit of a warrior to keep on going as you have  
As for me, some of you know I had a very difficult  time in my recovery from 
my last surgery in March of '08. To keep the  facts short, what happened was 
this: when the doctor went in to replace  the pump, he found the doctor who put 
in the previous pump had used a  sort of 'mesh'  bag to suture it in place. 
Well my body apparently  did not like this bag (it was the first time it was 
used in me) and it  attacked the bag and my body and ended up making a ball of 
intertwined  scar tissue the size of a grapefruit in my left lower abdomen. He 
said  it was a real mess, and the normal 2 hour surgery took almost 9 hours to 
 clean up most of the mess. I still have some scar tissue and parts of  the 
old catheter left in me, but he said if he had tried to take it all,  he would 
have had to nearly gut me. And it took over 4 months just to  get sort of back 
to my normal routine, I am still not back to what would  be normal function 
for me. I now also have new neurological problems,  they are not sure why, but 
it all started after this last surgery. It is  possible that some of the scar 
tissue followed the catheter into the  spinal column, there is no way to check 
for it with an MRI as I have the  metal infusion pump in me; the MRI would 
rip it out of me. I have new  areas of pain in my lower back, I am having 
spasticity and nerve  misfiring in my arms and neck now; they don't think it is 
more  likely MS as sometimes happens with TM patients. So that is just a short 
 burst about me.
As many of you know, my oldest daughter  has been living with me now to help 
take care of me, but since then she  had a massive thyroid storm January '07, 
had it surgically removed May  of '07 and was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism 
and Graves Disease. So now  she has Hypoparathyroidism and Hypocalcimia. She 
also started having  Grand Mal seizures, they do not know what triggered it, 
they put her  on Dilantin and they are under control right now. Since then she 
has  gotten progressively worse with wicked non stop migraines and other  
neurological symptoms; they are searching for the cause, but because we  are on 
government health programs, it takes forever to get appointments.  The latest 
idea is that she might have something called PTC or  pseudo-tumor cerebri. It 
is not a tumor, but the brain acts like there  is a tumor and the spinal fluid 
levels increase causing great pressure  around the brain, thus the headaches 
and other symptoms. There is no  cure, just a stop gap surgery where they place 
a shunt at the point  where the brain and spinal cord meet. When the fluid 
reaches a certain  pressure, the shunt opens and releases excess fluid into the 
body where  it is disposed of through other body functions. She has applied 
for SS  assistance and was turned down (of course), we are trying to live on  
just my income, and she hates feeling useless. She wants to get back to  work 
and school so bad, but she barely has enough energy to get through  a day just 
around the house.
My youngest daughter has  been treated for Endometriosis for about 8 years 
now, has had numerous  surgeries to remove scarring and lesions, but the pain 
got no better. So  they removed her right ovary last year in hopes that would 
solve it, but  as you can guess, it did nothing, and she still suffers from 
severe pain  and cramping, and all the other things associated with that  
Thank God my ex wife - (kids mom) has had no  serious repercussions since her 
bout with breast cancer and a radical  mastectomy, lung cancer and the 
removal of most of her right lung. She  just has to take it easy as she gets 
of breath really easy, but  otherwise she seems to be doing relatively well. So 
we have one thing to  feel good about, and thank God she is blessed with no 
more cancer right  now.
Every one of us in my family, including my brother  and his kids and my 
sister have autoimmune disorders. I say there is a  genetic link to these 
but doctors say no. So either we are the  unluckiest family in the world, or 
there is a link, they just haven't  searched hard enough for it.
So all in all, I do not get  on the computer very often anymore. But that 
does not mean I am not  thinking of you, I check emails every few days; but 
generally have no  energy or am in intense pain to try to write everyone  back.
I truly miss you and wish you all my best... Rick,  Mary E., Jude, Gilly, 
Phranque, Bob, Cody, Dex, Cossy, Bob, Sarge, Todd,  and I know I am forgetting 
lot more of you.. and to all the TM family;  my heartfelt thanks and prayers 
for all of you. I miss talking to y'all  through our letters, and hopefully I 
will be able to get to the computer  more often in the future.
I do have to go now as I am  really spasming and my pain is through the roof. 
Blessings and Peace to  and for all of  you...

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