-------------- Original message from tmic-digest-requ...@eskimo.com: --------------

I've been on Prednisone off and on since 1983.........numerous side effects, but it
also does some good......thru the years I took 'dose-paks' for my bad outbreaks
of eczema................several times I'd be put on 100mg amd then be backed off
Never just go off!! that could kill you, depending size of dosage, altho' when my
hubby had strained muscles in his chest and they knew it had nothing to do
with his heart, they gave him 50mg two days and then stopped it.....
Side effects I've experienced are loss of bone density, steroid induced cataracts,
cataract induced diabetes, weight gain, etc.....I'm on low dosage 20 mg in a.m. since
I had sweats, chills in 2004 which after 2 weeks in 2 hospitals they discovered was
something in my liver.......it's gone now, but when they try to wean me completely
off, I start sweats, chills again.
Personally I hate to take it, but the other option is worse....so, you do what you
have to do, and go on with life!
At onset and diagnosis of tm, I fought idea of IV steroid treatment but listened
to doctors and got 1000 units by IV for 5 days then was slowly weaned with
oral pred..........there's worse things, and by listening to drs, I came away from
onset to become one of walking woumded.
Hope my rambling has helped!!  janh
P.S. If you have other questions I'll try to answer them.....jh

Is anyone out there?  I'm weaning off my prednisone now and had a few questions.


F, I shod

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