Thanks for asking the age question before the 31st!!  I'm 69, until then.......
sounds so much younger than 70!!  As to computer ignorance, that's
rampant here........we just use whatever method we feel comfortable
with and go from there.  Ask whatever you want and someone will know
what you're talking about.  No question is off limits.Now for rules etc, 
they're listed on TMA website.  Also lots of answers there. If you didn't
join the TMA, do!..........it's free, produces newsletter once/twice a year 
and also provides you with a membership book.
My best suggestion is for you to find a member who's really knowledgable,
about how to find your way thru archives, et al.....Barbara Harper is the one 
I'd suggest that you contact!!  She been around 10 years or such and can
show you the ropes. She's tops!!
Her e-mail address.....jharpe...@aol.com
TM came to live with me 13 years next month..........I read tmic mail, but
don't offer much as I did early on....I was sooooooo! glad to find this site!!
Again, welcome!! Sorry we had to meet this way, but you're now a member
of a great group of folks!!!

--- On Thu, 3/5/09, Janice <jan...@centurytel.net> wrote:

I want to thank you all for responding to my email.   I feel included.     How 
can I begin to learn about you all and what you have been through?     Do I 
just ask you to email me (if you wish to) and we can chat or is there another 
way it is done?   You can tell
my lack of computer savvy with how things are done!       If someone has the 
time, I would appreciate a little more info on how this is done.     Also, is 
it rude to ask ages of you all?   I am 62 and have had this for 2 years.        
    Thanks guys.

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