Greetings and welcome to the TM website.
My name is Trudy I live in Northern Virginia and am 62 yrs. young! TM hit me
7 years ago at the C5-6 level. It was decided 2 yrs ago that I have MS so I
take MS med every day. This is a great "family" to belong to if you have TM
or really any autoimmune disease. I walk with a walker because balance is a
definite issue with me.
You can ask as many questions as you wish, even the embarrassing ones! We've
all been there.
There are members of this website who are very knowledgeable and up to date
on what's going on in the autoimmune world so don't hesitate to ask.
again Welcome!!

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Janice <> wrote:

>  I want to thank you all for responding to my email.   I feel
> included.     How can I begin to learn about you all and what you have been
> through?     Do I just ask you to email me (if you wish to) and we can chat
> or is there another way it is done?   You can tell
> my lack of computer savvy with how things are done!       If someone has
> the time, I would appreciate a little more info on how this is
> done.     Also, is it rude to ask ages of you all?   I am 62 and have had
> this for 2 years.            Thanks guys.

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