Well, I feel I should get this started. I was born and raised a true New
York Irish Catholic. I have two priests in my extended family and 4
religious sisters.At the age of 19 I entered the Dominican Order of
Religious. After three years,  I left the Order and a few years later
married my "high school" sweetheart and moved 13 times in twenty yrs. with 4
kids and a golden retriever.  Mac graduated from the Naval Academy and went
Marine Corps. We landed here in. Va. in 1987
as he was sent to the Pentagon. We are now both 62 and we have one beautiful
18 month old grandson. My oldest daughter is in San Mateo, Ca. youngest
daughter in New York, one son in Arizona and another in Santa Monica.
My faith is everything to me and I could not get out of bed without it. I
could not face the day without the absolute belief that God is with me,
holding me up every minute of every day. I read the bible and I always have
another  "spiritual" book along side of it. I did read "The Shack" (a number
one best seller) and would like to get other opinions about it.
I believe in the resurrection and that we are called to be a "joyful"
people. I don't believe too many people get thru this life without
suffering! Christ didn't and neither did his mother. I do question and doubt
and become frightened at times.... that's o.k. I know that the God of all
creation understands ME and will never leave me ......
He is with me till the ends of the earth.
I am reading a excellent book for Lent by Joyce Rupp called Open the Door.
For the next six weeks, I am learning how to open the door of my heart, and
to find which door I keep firmly shut and why?

I hope this begins some true faith sharing. We are all in this "journey"
together. We take different paths but with the knowledge that we can learn
so much from each other!


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