Hello All,
It seems that I've been bumped off list for a while.  I know that this  
happens now and then, and it seemed like the list was very quiet again, so I  
decided to take a look at the archives.  Well, to my surprise there was a  lot 
activity that I missed.
I'd like to say WELCOME to our new "family" members - I hope that you feel  
the love that is on this site.  You will soon know that we talk to each  other 
about EVERYTHING here, even things that most of us don't even tell our own  
close friends or family members.  They really wouldn't understand, although  
many try, they just don't since it isn't something that they are going through  
Most of us "lurked" in the background for a bit before we introduced  
ourselves to the group.  There are times when it is really busy and then it  
down for a while.  Like all other families we don't always agree,  but we are 
very quick to come to the aid of each other, and share all that we  have 
experienced with TM.
To all others, please know that you are all in my thoughts daily.  I  don't 
send many messages, but think of you all each day and hope that those who  are 
having difficulty are doing better.  
Has Jude had her surgery?  I haven't seen anything about her, and  think it 
would have been listed if she had it.
Looks like my "you are now subscribed" message has arrived, so I'm alive on  
the TMIC once again, YEAH!!!
Hugs to all, Barbara A 

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