Hello Dear Ones,
Why is there no mail in my  mailbox?  Have you all gone to that "Face" place? 
 Are you at  Yahoo?
Can't I count on anyone any more?   All I did was go into the hospital for a 
few days and when I get back, everyone  seems to be gone.  The List is like a 
ghost town...
I would like to thank those of you who  have taken the time and effort to 
send me lovely cards and beautiful  notes.  I will cherish them for a long 
The hospital is a lonely  place and a card with well wishes goes a long way 
towards making the time pass a  bit faster.
Also, thank you to those of you who have  called me to wish me well and to 
let me know I have been missed.  You have  no idea what you people mean to me.  
I hate naming names because I am  afraid of leaving someone out, my memory is 
getting worse by the hour.  So,  I am not going to do that.  You know who you 
are and how much I appreciate  your signs of friendship...you keep me able to 
look at life as a glass half  full, if you know what I mean.
As some of you know, I have no family  except for my wonderful husband, Dave. 
 We moved miles away from our home  town because Dave wanted "property" and 
shortly after I was stricken with  TM...no chance to make friends with anyone.
Like all of us, I was grasping at  straws, trying to find something to give 
me a reason to live, something to hold  on to.  Finding this site, thanks to 
Jim Lubin, became my lifeline.   You people became my family and I had 
to go where people understood  what I was going through, how my life had done 
a 360' and  in a heartbeat I  didn't know who I was, where I fit in, if I 
even was worthwhile to life  itself.
Each and every one of you has given me a  reason to continue living.  You 
make me think, you make me lol, you make me  feel warm and comforted when I'm 
"pity party" mode.  You graciously  allow me to make mistakes and don't hold 
it against me, and I know that I can  count on you to hold me up when I get too 
tired to tread water any  longer.
This Friday I go in for flap surgery on  the ulcers on my behind.  The 
plastic surgeon is not certain where he is  going to find extra tissue to 
create the 
"flap" so the outcome is up in the  air.  He is going to shave the bony 
protubences of the ischeal tuberosities  way down so that there will be less of 
chance for them to penetrate the skin  in the future.
The research I have done online has not  been optimistic.  It sounds like in 
many cases the sites open back up in a  relatively short period of time.  And, 
I did not realize that complications  due to pressure sores is the number one 
cause of death in  paraplegics.
In the future, my job will be to force  myself to eat lots of protein and 
learn to move around when I'm sitting to  allow freedom of blood flow and 
maintain oxygenation in the blood.  No  matter how hard I am being "hugged" 
around my 
abdomen, I have to find a way to  eat.  I don't know how to do that though.  
Dave and I are drinking  those new fruit flavored protein waters which are 
supposed to be an excellent  source of the good stuff.  And they taste great, 
all thick and gooey  like Ensure and those kinds of drinks.
I am overtired and cannot go to  sleep.  Things keep rolling around in my 
head...like what has happened to  the List.  As hard as Jim Lubin works, even 
though he is a quadriplegic, to  keep this thing going and as much gumption it 
must have taken him to even begin  a web site for us forsaken TM'ers, is 
absolutely amazing and I for one, will not  jump ship for some site where 
the grass is  greener.
Maybe I will be here all by myself,  though I know better, but that's ok 
because through you, my friends and family,  I have learned to value myself 
know how to reach out for help when I need  it, and I even understand how 
being a paraplegic has made me a better person,  put things in the right 
perspective, humbled me just a  bit.
So, to those of you who make me laugh  and have given life and hope to one 
lost old woman, thank you again. 
Hoping and Praying to wake up after  surgery,

**************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make meals for Under 
$10. (http://food.aol.com/frugal-feasts?ncid=emlcntusfood00000002)

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