Barbara, Shepherd Center her in Altlanta is an awesome facilit. They have three diffrent rehab facilities depending on the level of paralisis.

Check out the link to the facility and they have videos of what they can offer. (I attend a lot of the sporting activities) and the support the patient and family get there is wonderful!

Shepherd Center/Atlanta, GA

Specialty hospital for people with spinal cord injury, acquired brain injury, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, neuromuscular and urological disorders.


Shepherd Center is a private, not-for-profit hospital devoted to the medical care and rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury and disease, acquired brain injury, multiple sclerosis and other neuromuscular problems.

Based in Atlanta, Shepherd Center has been helping people through some of the most difficult and life-changing experiences they can imagine for more than three decades.

Each year the Center admits hundreds of patients and conducts thousands of outpatient clinic visits.

By focusing on highly-specialized care, Shepherd Center has developed a unique expertise and has become a nationally respected model for rehabilitation.

As a leading facility for research, as well as an organization that sets the standards for rehabilitative outcomes, Shepherd Center helps shape the face of rehabilitation in the United States. Whether studying a new device, testing an improved surgical procedure or developing a groundbreaking treatment method, research at Shepherd Center translates directly into an improved quality of life for our patients

-------------- Original message from --------------

Hello all, 

Our god-daughter, Monica, works as an aide at Craig Hospital, which exclusively treats spinal cord and brain injuries in the Denver, Co. area. 

She called last night and told me about one of her patients who is a paraplegic with no movement in legs or toes, but has sensation.  She does not have a diagnosis.  She didn't say how strong the sensation was.  This occured from a flu that she couldn't shake.  Needless to say,  this lady is very anxious since the doctors are telling her the same thing that we've all heard - that they can't tell her what her outcome will be, just do her therapy and see what comes.  

Monica didn't have too much information for me when she called, but will look at her chart tomorrow when she goes back to work.  She thinks this all started about 4 months ago, but doesn't know the progression from the flu to symptoms, etc.  

Why am I telling you all of this???  I hate saying "this lady", but that's all I know at this point.  Anyway, her husband is in the military and got orders to transfer to Germany right before this occured.  He was able to delay his deployment for a short time, but will need to leave soon.  She doesn't know if she will be able to get good therapy once she leaves the country as a dependent, and of course, wants the best for herself.  I know as a military person it would be great, but possibly not as a dependent.  

She wants to know if anyone can recommend any rehab centers around the country.  Any area at this time will be considered, but she'll need to look into what her insurance will pay, if anything, and evaluate what she can do.  Please let me know if you have any information about a center you've either been to or heard of and I'll pass it on.  From looking at the Craig Hospital website, it looks like a very good center.  I just know that they will be releasing her eventually and we all are scared when that happens.

Thank you, and as always, big hugs,
Barbara A in sunny CA (at least the sun is shining today and in mid 60's) 

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