Hi Janice,

I agree with Heather.? I am always careful checking the water temp with my 
hands before getting into the shower.? I cannot handle a hot tub or cold 
swimming pool as it makes me spasm.? Water must be at least 80-82 degrees in 
the pool, and nothing over 100 degrees is comfortable in the tub.? 

Once I started getting feeling back (T8-10, June 1, 1999), I have had the pins 
and needles and burning/freezing pain.? I take Neurontin and Lyrica for it and 
it helps take the edge off.? It's kind of like having a horrible sunburn while 
sitting in a tub full of ice, NOT FUN!!!? It has progressed as the feeling 
increased over the past 9 years.

Take care Janice, Hugs, Barbara A

-----Original Message-----
From: Pieter and Heather <pieterheat...@shaw.ca>
To: Janice <jan...@centurytel.net>; transverse myelitis <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 10:29 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC]



I have the temperature problem as well.? I cannot tell hot or cold water on my 
left leg.? My right leg has some sensation regarding the water temps but I 
still do not trust that feeling when it comes to the hot or cold water.? I 
always have to start my shower get the temperature regulated priot to stepping 
into the shower.? Since I am not affected by TM in my arms I always test the 
water temps with my hands and arms.? I? have had this since day one back in 
year 2003.


Not quite sure what it is you mean by 'buzzing' in your legs.? My buzzing would 
refer to the constant pins and needles pain I feel in my legs.? And no that has 
not gone away either.? I did not have it the first little while but once I was 
able to start learning to walk again etc then this pain started and has been my 
constant companion.? Using Gabpentin/Neurontin is the only thing that tempers 
the pain so it is tolerable. 


Heather in Calgary 

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Janice 

To: transverse myelitis 

Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 3:15 PM

Subject: [TMIC]

This is Janice - yet again with another question.?? 


It has been 2 years since the onset of TM.?? From the top of my ribs to my toes 
I can not tell water temperature on my skin.? I have to be very careful with 
taking my showers.?? ?Do any of you have that??? I am wondering if it is 
something that will eventually go away or if it is something I will live with.


Also, one improvement I have just noticed lately is the constant "buzzing" that 
I had in my legs as soon as feeling started coming back.?? Did you all have 
that and have any of you also lost it?


Thanks again, Janice

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