For Immediate Release:  April 7, 2009

 Cody Unser Documentary Oscar Qualifying Runs Scheduled in NYC and LA
(Albuquerque, NM) –Christopher Productions and The Cody Unser First Step Foundation are proud to announce that the theatrical release of the documentary entitled, "CODY; The First Step" begins Oscar Qualifying runs in LA County April 17th –April 23rd, 2009 and in New York City from May 1-May 7th, 2009.

CODY is a powerful documentary that charts the extraordinary story of Cody Unser who was tragically struck with Transverse Myelitis at the age of 12. The disease left her paralyzed from the chest down. However, she refused to let that diagnosis define her and instead at age 13 founded the Cody Unser First Step Foundation to ensure that money would be raised to find a cure. For the last five years Cody has lobbied state legislatures and Congress to push for stem-cell research which offers the key to her own recovery. During the film, Cody shares with the viewers her determination to walk again. The film takes the viewers on an intimate journey with Cody detailing her daily emotional and physical struggles. The film also charts where science and politics intersect. Visit <> to see the trailer.

Cody Unser said, "I hope my story will shed some light on what it is really like to live with paralysis. I also hope that the film will lead to more research dollars so that paralysis­not just for me, but for all people, will become a treatable and reversible diagnosis. I want to thank all the people who have made these Oscar Qualifying Runs possible­especially Don Chalmers Ford, the Off Shore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association, Johns Hopkins Project Restore, and the Al Unser Jr. Children's Charities."

Chris Schueler, Director/Producer of CODY said, "Cody Unser has become an inspiration to everyone associated with the production. Despite her paralysis, Cody has not only remained remarkably independent but has made some amazing accomplishments. I am honored that Cody was willing to let our film crew into her life and I am confident the documentary will forever change how the public views people who are not disabled but rather differently abled."

Friday April 17- Thursday April 23, 2009
Laemmle's Town Center 5
17200 Ventura Blvd, Encino, CA 91316

Friday May 1- Thursday May 7th, 2009
IFC Center in New York
323 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10014
(212) 924-7771

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