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--- On Fri, 5/1/09, 
<> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #383
Date: Friday, May 1, 2009, 8:32 PM

tmic-digest Digest                              Volume 2009 : Issue 383

Today's Topics:
  Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Tr  [ "Pieter and Heather"
<pieterheather ]
  Re: [TMIC] Enough sleep and husbands  [ "Pieter and Heather"
<pieterheather ]
  Re: [TMIC] New Month, New Efforts     [ "Pieter and Heather"
<pieterheather ]

No, it doesn't.  I do find that the Zanaflex though has helped to relax me and 
I get a better sleep.  Apparently for me it relaxes the bladder and I get to 
sleep.  At least that is how I understand it.  I actually don't mind getting up 
once or twice in the night.  It is the only time I move when sleeping.  I go to 
sleep on my one side.  I never move.  Then my body somehow wakes me.  Sometimes 
with muscle spasms in my legs.  I then get up, go to the bathroom, get back to 
bed and lay on the opposite side.  After another 3 or 4 and once in a while 5 
hours I get up again.   Since I have been taking the Zanaflex I feel I get a 
longer sleep. 
I was told though that the Zanaflex (at 4 mg for me) effect only last for about 
2 hours.  HOwever, that is enough time for me to fall asleep and I get to relax 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Janice 
To: Pieter and Heather ; ; ; 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

Does Baclofen make you have to go the bathroom a lot?                Janice

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Pieter and Heather 
To: ; ; 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

Has your doctor ever suggested or have you ever tried Zanaflex?  It is also a 
muscle relaxant.  I take 40 mg of Baclofen in 4 divided doses throughout the 
day and one of the doses is at bedtime.  However, I also take a 4mg tablet of 
Zanaflex right before bed.  I find that I do not have to get up to the bathroom 
every 2 hours during the night. Now I am able to go 4 or and sometimes 5 hours 
at a time during the  night.  That happened when I started the Zanaflex.  Makes 
a big difference when we get a pretty good night sleep.  I know that some other 
people on the list take more Zanaflex than that but for me it works. 
Heather in Calgary 

----- Original Message ----- 
To: ; 
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 3:00 PM
Subject: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

Hi Trudy,

You work too hard, I could not clean all day, whether I wanted to or not.  If 
not for a automatic washer/dryer, the wash would not get done.  And, if it goes 
for floors, I can do a small amount but not a lot.  It kills my back, and I'm 
in bed for days.  So, it's someone else's job.  I do clean the spots on the 
kitchen floor iwth paper towels though from time to time, since hubby or 
daughter in-law aren't really responsive on the job, lol.  It doesn't seem to 
be as important to them that it is and looks clean as it is to me.  

My speed is dusting and cleaning kitchen/bathrooms and laundry.  I can do most 
things that are off the floor and I cannot do too much in a day and still 
manage to cook dinner.  I don't cook dinner everyday, but try to do it most 
days.  Pete (hubby) usually handles breakfast most days and it's a nice trade 
off as he loves breakfast.  That's one of the good parts of his retirement.  He 
also makes my coffee in the morning and then again at night.  And, he is sure a 
handy guy to have around I know that I don't think that I could have gotten 
through this whole TM thing without him, he's been so good at accepting the 
changes that it has made in our lives.  I say accepting, and I am not sure it 
is the right word, as it is a hard thing to say.  We do have to accept it, 
don't have to like it as none of us do, but we just roll with it.  It just is 
what it is.  Can't change it, and cannot deny it anymore, although I tried that 
for about! 18 months.  Now,
 it's been almost 10 years.

I use 40 mg Baclofen at night for spasms, and generally it works pretty well, 
although there are those nights when it doesn't seem to work.  Maybe it is and 
if I hadn't taken it, they would be a whole lot worse, but they definately keep 
me from sleeping.  That is usually on a day that I've done too much.  I've had 
2 DVT's in my left leg, and sometimes I think that the problems and pain in 
that leg are worse than the complications that TM has caused in my life.  
Although, I didn't get the DVT's until I was in the hospital paralyzed from 
TM.  Darned leg!

But I have slept 3 nights straight and am a happy camper today.  Yippee!  I 
hope you all can take something positive from me and do something positive for 
yourself to get on the right track if you've slipped off as well.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

Can't afford a new spring wardrobe? Go shopping in your closet instead! 

Bobby Jim
I can't do those type of exercises.  I wouldn't be able to feel if I'm doing 
them or not.  I actually don't go that much during the day which is fine with 
I go more at night when I think my body relaxes and is not all tightened up 
trying to keep me from falling over while walking etc.  
At least that is my theory.
Heather in Calgary 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: bobby jim 
To: Pieter and Heather ; ; 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Enough sleep and husbands

Well, my urologist told me that the sphincter muscle around the bladder gets 
tight with age and needs to be relaxed with meds.   For men it's Flomax (and 
others), for women, dunno.
I did get some exercises similar to kegels to keep my muscles working and 
prevent 'spills':

1.-     If possible, perform exercise upon rising
2.-     With both rectal and bladder muscles try to hold back urine.
3.-     Walk around the room concentrating on holding back urine and then cough.
         (pretending to hold a heavy book between your legs as you walk also 
4.-     Bend over and pick up something from the floor; sit on a chair and then 
stand up.
5.-     Relax rectal and bladder muscles and start to void; when the stream has 
started tighten muscles again to stop the stream.
6.-      Repeat 3 4 and 5 twice, then empty the bladder completely.
7.-      Perform the exercise twice a day.
Regards,   BobbyJim          

From: Pieter and Heather        To: ;          Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Enough sleep and husbands

Two years prior to TM I had 'bladder repair surgery' because of incontinence 
when sneezing, laughing, walking too fast etc.   At least I had 2 years where I 
was safe from that problem.  After TM I now again have the problem which no 
surgery will help.  Kind of ironic I guess.  However, I do wonder if having the 
surgery in 2001, two years prior to TM has helped me not have too many problems 
except at night. 
Heather in Calgary 

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 7:27 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Enough sleep and husbands

Hi Everyone,
    I have not slept more than 4 hrs straight in over 30 years!Usually manage 
about 3 hrs.
    Before tm,I had bladder issues,and was up several times a night (or 
day,when I worked the 7p-7:30a shift).Then after tm,I had incontinence problems 
while paralyzed and in rehab.That passed,and I only have to "run" to the 
bathroom if I drink caffeinated beverages.
    Many of you praise your husbands.
    My ex husband (divorced in 1985 after 22 yrs and 10 yrs before tm hit me) 
mows my lawn,trims bushes,trees,rakes leaves,cleans the gutters in the fall and 
gets rid of the snow in winter.All without me ever asking him to do it!
    We get along better now than we ever did before.Probably because we don't 
live together :).
    Best wishes to all,
        Cheryl in Easthampton,Mass.

That is great that you are back doing what you like in writing the poetry.

I am very happy that you have a new neurologist who is also close to you.
Sounds like
he will be a person who is more in tune with you and the problems with TM.

Good luck with your other endeavours too.  Unfortunately I'm no help with
any of the
transit things there where you are in the USA.  Hope you can find someone who
familiar with these things.

Heather in Calgary

----- Original Message ----- From: "Akua" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 3:40 PM
Subject: [TMIC] New Month, New Efforts

> April was National Poetry Month and I met the challenge of writing at
least one poem a day
> every day in response to prompts.  Over 30 new works!!!
> I am so proud of me, as since contracting TM, my writing has suffered, as
has my reading. I wrote a couple of poems about my condition-- which I generally
> Yesterday after a long struggle(10 months) I got to see a neurologist a
few blocks away, who listened, renewed my script for Naltrexone and is pursuing
getting me therapy at  home!
> (The neurologist I went to in my pcp's practice took my money  and
told me he "only does stroke" would ONLY refer me Strong Hospital,
which is 110
> unreachable (and unaffordable $700 roundtrip) miles away and refused to
renew my script)
> I slept today until 1p.m. (9 hours) and  i didn't realize how much
energy it took.
> I found out that the deadline for the 5310 grants for paratransit vehicles
was today.
> But I learned that there is a taxi service that has a van in the city
next-door. Their costs
> are prohibitive ($36), but not outlandish ( like the school bus company
that charges $75 just
> to show up).
> Again if anyone has any information on nonprofit startups or funding for
paratransits, it would
> be welcome.
> Happy May Day!
> Akua
> -- 


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