Difficult challenges can come into your life when you 
least expect them, and when you can ill afford them. Yet there they are, 
bullying their way into your world. If you try to ignore them or deny 
them, they just get bigger and more problematic. The more you let them 
worry you and get you down, the more helpless they make you. A life full 
of challenge is often stressful and uncomfortable, but it is vastly better 
than the alternative, which is a life full of nothing. Your own particular 
challenges may seem extremely unfair, and they probably are. But that 
doesn't make them any less real, nor does it make you any less obligated 
to confront and endure them.
Accept the challenges when they appear, and you're well 
on the way to overcoming them. Though they bring disruption and pain, they 
also bring growth and power. Sometimes what is best for us, is not what we 
would choose. Life is difficult and in it we find unimaginable joy. Accept 
it all and live it for all it's worth.

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