Got home from the hospital this evening and as I usually do,sat down in  
front of the computer to see what had been written today. How sad but also 
happy  to know that Pam has been called home into the loving arms of the GOD 
that she  loves so much. I also will miss her writings to the list and the 
TIAD that I  didn't figure out for some time.This morning the hospital called 
and said they  were moving Jim into ICU as they think he has Pneumonia. My 
son and and 2 of our  precious grandaughters drove about 3 hours to see Jim. 
It was wonderful to  see them and put sunshine in Jim's room. The ones that 
came are the almost 8 yr  old twins and mommy and the 11 yr old and 2 yr old 
stayed home. They stayed  overnight and we went to church this morning and 
then went to the hospital after  lunch to see granpa for a little while 
before they had to head back home.There  is still 5 days of school for all of 
them. Daddy is a teacher. Anyway tomorrow  morning early they are doing a 
bronchialscopy test. I will kepp you posted and  we thank you for your prayers. 
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