Always good to hear from you, Larry! Hope you're doing  well.
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 6/21/2009 8:19:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

This is Larry from Oklahoma checking in for the first time in a  while. 
First off, happy fathers day all of you dads out there, bio dads,  step dads, 
foster dads or just stand in dads. There is not  enough dads in this world so 
keep up the good work!
Second, I've been checking the archives almost daily since my last  post 
(which was another email address) and I'm never surprised at  the love, 
support and concern this group has for each other. It's so  good to see how 
has group concerns for those going through so much  like when Jude was having 
so much trouble with her health or helping  another go through the grief of 
losing a family member, or losing one of  our own such as Pam or Doc or 
Dennis. That's why I  love you so much.
Last but not least Thanks for being here, each and everyone of you!  Talk 
with you soon.
P.S. Happy Summer Solstice  Phanque!

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