check out the video from Scott Chesney.

Sent:  6/29/2009 7:16:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: You can help find the  cure for paralysis

_Click to view as a web page._



Watch Scott  Chesney’s  video.
Dear  Rosalie,
I am going to live my life to the fullest.  This is the mantra of Scott
Chesney. Scott woke up one  morning at the age of 15, paralyzed from a sudden
spinal stroke. Today  he is a successful business owner, husband, father,
and, I am proud to  say, a Reeve Foundation Ambassador.
_Take a moment to watch the video he made for you about who  he wants you
to see when you look at him in his  wheelchair._
"I've been waking up for the last 24 years, everyday, to a waiting
wheelchair," he told me. "And I have the power to choose. I  choose to transfer
into that wheelchair and begin my day."
Courageous people living with paralysis, like Scott, are why we  launched
the _Campaign to Cure Paralysis_
 . Our goal  is to bring people
like you together with the unified purpose of  finding cures for the 5.6
million people living with  paralysis.
I believe cures are within our reach. There have been many promising
developments in just the last 6 months. The Foundation and our cause  have been
in the forefront of the news:
    *   Recalling the contributions of both Christopher and Dana,
President Obama lifted restrictions on federal funding of human  embryonic stem 
    *   Matthew Reeve was in the room at the White House as the President
quoted his father at the signing of the Christopher and Dana Reeve
Paralysis Act -- promoting collaborative research, rehabilitation and  quality 
life initiatives for millions of Americans living with  paralysis and spinal
cord injuries.
    *   The release of the results from our paralysis population survey 
show nearly 1 in 50 people in the U.S. are living with  paralysis – nearly 33%
more people than previously reported  -- with over 1.2 million people
living with a spinal cord injury.
And the Reeve Foundation is just starting its first clinical  trial for a
drug called riluzole -- a neuroprotective agent  that may limit the damage in
the early hours after a spinal cord  injury.
_Please help us have the resources to keep the  momentum going by making
your tax-deductible gift  today._
If you ask Scott if he wants to walk again, he'll say, "Absolutely!"  If
you ask him if he has to walk again he'll say, "No. I  know my life is far
greater than the use of my legs."
For people living with paralysis it is their quality of life that is  so
important. Being able to be the best fathers and mothers they can be  ...
being the best husbands and wives ... being the best provider ...  the best
All of these "titles" we hold in life still apply to someone living  with
paralysis. The Foundation is dedicated to helping people live their  lives to
the fullest.
And really, this is what the Reeve Foundation is all about --  Today's
Care. Tomorrow's Cure. Finding treatments and cures that allow  people like
Scott to regain function and pursue their  dreams.
I hope I can count on you to do all you can to help find cures and  fulfill
the goal Christopher Reeve set for the Foundation. _Please make your gift
of any size  today._
_Forward to a friend._
      Yours  truly,

Peter T. Wilderotter
President  and CEO
PS: _Take a moment to watch Reeve Foundation Ambassador Scott  Chesney's
  You can't help but be inspired by his courage and
spirit. _Then help us find cures and treatments for the 5.6 million  people 
with paralysis by making your tax-deductible gift  today._


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