You are so right, and I am so deeply hurt and  humbled by the words I wrote 
that may have caused damage to people who  have lives and pressures I know 
nothing about. 
People are calling my email, nitpicking.  I  was certainly not meaning to 
do that.  I thought that I was simply  making a statement regarding a subject 
matter that I know nothing  about.
I was wrong, way wrong.  And I deeply  regret writing the words that may 
have caused even only one of you pain in  some way.  I did not mean to cause 
you any feelings of hurt or  disrespect.
Please accept my deepest apology and know that  because  Jesus died on the 
cross, I know that I am already forgiven,  as are you and everyone else who 
have sinned or hurt someone either by  words or deeds, as I have.
The problem is that I seem to be making the same  mistakes over and over 
again and that bothers me, as it should.  I  seem to continue to make remarks 
that hurt feelings and I see no way out  of making them.  I need to think 
before I write, and as hard as I  try, I don't seem to be able to do so.
Thank you for being there for me with all of the  Prayers and well=wishes 
you have sent me over the  years.
I now wish those same Prayers and dreams back to  you all.  I have come to 
love many of you as I have come to know  you.  You will remain with me and 
in me forever. I owe you years  and years of thanks and return caring about 
you as you have cared for  me.
May the Holy Spirit, whom ever you are and what  ever you believe, come to 
live in your heart and become your soul mate  forevermore.
In a message dated 8/1/2009 2:21:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi  Jude,  


Your  apology is most appreciated.  Jude, all of the little  nasties that 
apply to anyone paralyzed as a result of TM, still apply  to others who have 
suffered spinal cord insult as the result of  another disease process.  Take 
me for example.  I am  not diagnosed with TM, yet I have still experienced 
several serious  bouts of LETM, or Longitudinal Extensive Transverse 
Myelitis---in  other words massive lesions, one of which encompassed almost the 
entirety of my thoracic cord. It doesn't matter what disease process  caused 
it, as my symptoms are like those of anyone else who has  experienced a cord 
attack---whether from disease or  trauma.  


Jude, above all, we must be  compassionate towards others who are suffering 
just like we  are.  The state of illness and disability is not an  
exclusive club.  Pain is pain.  Suffering is  suffering.  Believe me, our Good 
does not  differentiate.  





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