Jeff  ~
I haven't seen any responses to your  letter ....perhaps because it is such 
touchy subject....perhaps because people  on the list don't know quite how
to respond to you.......I am willing to  give it a shot.....from a 
Christian perspective.
I think it is not so much sex that you  are missing, but rather a loving 
relationship with someone - so much  so that you are willing to do anything to 
find love.  We all hunger  for love and intimacy and often look for 
fulfillment in all the wrong  places.  God is able to supply all need according 
His riches in glory by  Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19) - usually quoted in 
terms of financial need,  however it is not limited to money. In truth, Our 
Father is able to fill  the emptiness in your life to the extent that 
meaningless sex would be  exposed for what it really is; i.e., meaningless sex 
a sin nature  running amuck.  There is no real fulfillment there (sex for 
sex's sake),  only pain and complications to a life that has plenty of 
challenges already.  

Seek,  (truly, prayerfully seek),   God's will in your life - for if we 
seek first the Kingdom of God, and His  righteousness, all these things shall 
be added unto you (Matthew 6:33) and,  again, Father knows best what kind of 
human intimacy is required and will  meet your needs and (this is the best 
part) the needs of the female that  will be in your life.  You may find that 
a sexual relationship is  secondary to a truly loving friendship, or it may 
be that Father has another  marriage in your future and a better sexual 
relationship than you can  even imagine.  With God all things are possible,  IF 
we put Him first and foremost in our  lives.
I wish you only the best.
   ~ Lynn
 In a message dated 8/09/2009 5:19:58 A.M. Pacific Daylight  Time, 
jeffsmokeeater writes:

im not writing this to sound discusting,but i have a serious problem and  
want to know if any of you have ever went through this and how you handled  
first of all let me tell you all i am very comfortable with my sexuality  
and preferance,but recently some very confusing feelings have crossed my  
mind,let me start by saying when i was 16 yo i had sexual contact with somone  
of the same sex,i think it was more out of curiosity than anything else,but 
i  enjoyed it and after that i started going with people of the opisite 
sex,but i  never forgot that first experience,well i got married and have 4 
children and  myself and my wife of 16 years split up last year.
here is the problem,ive had ms for 9 and a half years and like some on  the 
list i have problems with paraplegia and im in a wheelchair so i dont  need 
to give the details as most of you can pretty much figure it out,but i  
find myself craving for sexual contact and have even thought of contacting my  
friend from when i was 16 just for somthing,i am not gay,but this is like  
torture and its all i think about and its driving me crazy,just the thought 
of  the same sex makes me wonder about myself and what the heck is going on 
inside  my head,im 40 years old and never imagined this,but im desperate.any 
advice  would help.

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