Frank, I was also affected in the C portion of my spine (C2-C4). At first my hands were swollen. I was most affected on my right side, but both arms and hands are affected. Lately I have had more problem with my ankles swelling during the day. They are better after a nights sleep, but swell again during the day. My hands feel swollen, but don't look as swollen as they were for the first few years. I've had TM for over 15 years. I have also noted that my fingernails grow faster and that my toenails are so hard that they are very difficult to cut. (That just might be old age.) All I know is that once you get used to some of the effects of TM others seem to pop up (or is that swell up?)

By the way, I also want to join the BM group. I was relieved to hear that I'm not the only one. The doctors just recommend more fiber. I tried Dulcolax, but that almost killed me. Had the runs for over a week from just one dose.

Well, my best to you and all my other TMIC friends,

Roger in Kennewick WA
----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 7:49 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Fingernail growth ?

(This email is serious, like, no kidding)

Dear Group,

I have partial TM (C6, right side, 6 mm spherical demyelination).

I have central pain from my shoulders down, left side has three times as much pain as right side.

Recently I became aware that my left hand was slightly swollen, and my fingernail of my left hand were growing faster than on my right hand.

Has anyone else noticed anything like what I'm describing?



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