I have chosen to reply, hoping that you will not  be offended.  It is a 
lovely thing that you are doing; and I will do  what you ask us to do.  The 
only thing is through natural  causes  (illness/accidents) I don't know if I 
have twelve people to  send these lovely thoughts to, but I will try to send 
as many as I can  think of.
Thank you for the lovely endeavor.  This  will get us off of our lazy bums 
and do something for a good  cause...helping our fellow friends and family.
Closing with Love,
In a message dated 9/11/2009 11:26:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
cherp...@msn.com writes:


Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 9:14 PM
Subject: Good Wishes

Today is  September 7, 2009. I am supposed to pick 12 women (who have  
touched my life) and whom I think would want to participate.  I think that if 
this group of women were ever to be in a  room together, there is nothing that 
would be impossible. I  hope I chose the right twelve. My love, gestures 
and  communications hopefully remind you how special you are.  Please send 
this back to me. Remember to make a wish before  you read the quotation. That's 
all you have to do. There is  nothing attached. Just send this to twelve 
women and let me  know what happens on the fourth day. Sorry, did you make a  
wish yet? If not make a wish before you read  on........
"May there be peace within. May you trust that  you are exactly where you 
afaith in yourself and others. May  you use the gifts that you have received, 
and pass on the  love that has been given to you. May you be content with  
yourself just the way you ar e. Let this knowledge settle  into your bones, 
and allow your soul the freedom to sing,  dance, praise and love. It is 
there for each and every one  of us." Now, send this to 12 women within the next
15  minutes. And remember to send this back. I count as 1...  You'll see 
Suggestion: copy and paste rather than  forwarding it. "Life isn't about 
waiting for the storm to  pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.re 
meant to  be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are  born of  

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