It's exciting isn't it?  
I met Heather from Calgary after two years of emails and phone calls.
I met Jude while she was sick and then got to watch her get better and  
I had the priviledge of meeting Carol and her precious Jim who just passed away 
as well as  Lynne Meyers and two others at a Michigan meeting.
Each time I sit with another TMer I leave feeling invigorated.  We can moan and 
groan and laugh all at the same time and it's such fun! 
Patti  -  Michigan
---- Gillian Clark <> wrote: 
> G'day All,
> It's been such a long time since I've written to the list but I assure you, 
> I've been reading and keeping up with you all.  I was devastated to hear we 
> have lost another member of our family.  R.I.P.  Rick.
> I've bought myself out of posting retirement today because something so 
> special has happened!!!!!  I have just said goodbye to my visitors.  They are 
> Allen and Andrea Southern.  Andrea is a member of our list, a lurking member 
> but a member none the less.
> After 8 years of tm I've never met another person "in the flesh" who has it.
> We had a lovely visit and I can't begin to describe how wonderful it was to 
> have a "real life" conversation with another tmer.
> OK, I won't ramble anymore but I did so want to share with you all.
> hugs
> Gilly, the old girl from Australia.

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