Hi Everyone!


Well, I am back from three days at the hospital.   Here is what happened in
a nutshell.  Monday I started to get a fever and it went up quick enough
that we called the Doctor and were told to make a beeline for the hospital.
My white blood cell count was in the critical area.  As it turns out, Monday
was the 10th day after the beginning on my first day of my first chemo
session.  This time frame happens to be at the worst for how low you can
get.  Also, as you may remember, I had just had a feeding tube put in and
this may have been the source of the slight infection, the Docs could never
determine just what had happened


Monday was the low of my experience so far, I was feeling so bad I wanted to
give up.  This is where all of team Hammond came into play, family and
friends both.  As things got feeling worse, I felt a sort of nudge and
realized I could not give up, there is too much depending on a positive
attitude.  I think what that nudge was, is that a

lot of prayers to the Good Lord prompted Him to give me one swift kick to my
spiritual butt. And, this got me to look ahead, not back.  


Since getting out, I have had 2 more radiation treatments, and now, we have
the weekend off.  Thanks to all of you for the cards, prayers, visits, and
whatever.  Next update when needed. 


Love ya all, Team Hammond


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