> I have not tried Neurontin for my pain because every neurologist I've been
> to refused to give it to me when I asked about it. I don't know why.

Neurontin is a "BAD MEDICINE".

Doctors used to prescribe neurontin because the drug company that made 
neurontin took them out to dinner, paid the doctor's way on vacations 
(Symposiums), or any of many different perks.

Neurontin does not decrease pain as well as old fashioned Phenobarbital which I 
take- 15 mg in AM, and 45 mg. before bed.

Ask your doctor to put you on Dextromethorphan 60 mg twice a day.  Dextro... 
only needs a prescription because it has to be compounded by a compounding 
pharmacy- look in the phone book!!

good luck


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