Yeah to bad I didn't think of that LOL..I don't even have to tell anyone I
am in Doctor sees it in my eyes..and she can tell if someone is
just trying to get pain meds...I have a bottle of pain meds that I only use
it if I need relief..most of the time I just live with it...but it is
getting cold out now and I have the most pain issues in the winter...I
forget to put pants on in the winter and let my legs get to cold..and then I
cant get them warm for anything...but I do have a bath tub now I just need
to figure out how to get in and out.
The funny thing about pain meds is that the doctor gives them to you when
you have a injury and you take them and when they start to not work they
give you more and then when you have to take a handful to ease your pain
they decide oops you don't need them any more..and by then your addicted to
them and think of different ways to get them and they call you a addict! And
yes I was a addict back in 1991 when I had a back injury and my Doctor kept
giving them to me for 5 years..then wondered why I had to still take them..
sheesh stupid Doc.

I hope you threw the can of Pepsi while you were in the emergency
would have served them right.  Any time I have gone, the nurses talk about
me just loud enough for me to hear them, and they think I am drug seeking. 
Now I don't even tell them that I am in pain, I just wait for the doctor and
let him know how I have been treated in the past and they usually get me on
something right away, if I need it, that is.  Usually, if I am there for an
active spasm and in bad pain.
Love Ya,
In a message dated 9/30/2009 4:09:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Yes I had this same thing happen to me my right hand went into a clinch and
I couldn't get it to open so I went to the emergency room...and a doctor
there told me I was a scitzo! And wouldn't give me rehab so now I have ulnar
nerve damage...and I have been known to throw a can of Pepsi across the room
 From a spasm.. I haven't had one in a while now and I can grasp things and
release ok now...I cant hold on to anything with weight my right hand will
drop it, but I can open a door with the round nobs now..and being I am right
handed I had to change the way I wrote I write just with my thumb and first
and middle fingers I also type just with the three fingers on my right and
normal on the left.
South Lake Tahoe Ca 
OK, we've explored the different problems of TM with the feet/legs/toes. 
Now, how many of you have your hands cramp up into weird positions or lock
around something or lock into a clintch and not be able to get your hands to
relax into "normal" positions.
When I'm eating, my hands will clintch around the silverware.  There have
been times where I'm trying to cut something on my plate and BOTH hands
clintch around the silverware; the only thing I can do is try to pull the
silverware pieces out by my mouth then try to unclintch my hands with my
mouth, or sit on my hands or try yoga breathing techniques to relax.  This
seems to happen if I'm tired or too hot/cold. Now when those conditions
occurs, if anything on my plate needs cutting I pick it up and eat it with
my hands.  Sure cuts down on going out to eat in public.
Has anyone bought the special silverware where the handles are bigger?  Did
it help?
To me, the pain from hands cramping/spasming is MUCH worse than my feet/toes
or legs, at least I have my hands to unclutch toes, or grab my feet or leg
and "talk" to the offending part  (which seems to help).
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably .
And never regret anything that made you smile.
Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,
Candy K.

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