Hey all, 

OK, I received my TMA newsletter and I must say that always puts me in a
good mood and helps me to readjust my level of discontent with the world. We
are all so blessed! We can read our email, we can send our email! Most or
many of us can go about our daily lives and check on line when we have time,
when we are not living our lives. I am grateful for my recovery.

I am not whole, I am not who I was 12 years ago, but I am a whole person and
I am a productive person and that is a good thing. I love and I am loved and
that is the most important thing in this life. 

I welcome 2010 as a new year that will help me to strengthen and make my
life better. That does not mean that I will walk better, that means that I
will learn how to use what I have better.

This may upset a few, but I do not believe in God, I believe in humans, in
our drive and our determination. I believe that if you do the best you can,
you will be the best you can be.

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