

I am so sorry you have been so sick off and on for the past months.  It was
hard enough to cope with Daniel's illness, but to do it when you don't feel
well must have been torture.  I sure hope you are on the mend and I hope
that Daniel is doing better.  I have a hard time with my exercises too.  I
have to force myself a lot of the time, but when I do them I feel better
physically and mentally.  It is especially hard in the winter when your
mobility is so limited.  Hearing from others that also have the same
problem, makes it a little easier to motivate myself.  Keep plugging along,
Barbara, and know we are all with you in spirit.


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Janice Nichols [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 11:24 AM
To:; Barbara Alma
Subject: Re: [TMIC] I'm fessing up


Good for you, Barbara!     Keep it up.




From: Barbara Alma <>  

Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 5:21 PM


Subject: [TMIC] I'm fessing up


Ok guys - here I go again.  I've laxed off again on my exercises.  Seems
that I do this so often, and I know that I am not the only one and that is
why I am making this confession public.  Maybe this will help me to stay
focused for a while at least, knowing that other eyes are on me, lol.  And,
maybe it'll get some of you moving it again.


I have been sick since the last week of October, with various bouts of a
bug, what appeared to be some allergies, a cold or two, the flu 2x and now
just getting over a mild case of pneumonia.  I think the last of which was
just a breakdown of my body over the stress of our son Daniel being so sick.
So, I did not had more than about 8 days of "well days" if I am lucky since
then.  During this time I missed a 1st birthday party for my first great
niece, a wedding, and a weeks vacation in San Diego.  Happily I had 2 "well
days" at Christmas.  Sick the day after, lol.


I started riding my recumbent bike the other day and already I feel some
strength coming back, and believe me, I have gotten weaker over this time.
So, if any of you, and I know that there have got to be more than a few of
you, have also been getting lax on your exercises, please get back into the
swing of things again.  Our bodies need it, and it is such a boost to see
even a slight improvement.  If nothing else, we need to keep moving and
you'll feel like you are doing something good for yourself.


I picked my bike up for $50 on last year.  If any of you live
in an area that has a Craigslist city listed anywhere near you, you'd be so
surprised on what you can buy there.  Tons of exercise and mobility stuff.  


Take care and here's to a healthier and stronger 2010.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

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