My heart is so warmed by all of your responses, too many to respond to 
individually.  Many struggle with some of the same issues as I do of going good 
for a while and then slacking off.  And, winter is of course the hardest time 
for us to think about exercise when we are more achy than usual.  I have been 
thinking about this though, and I think that it is more important during the 
winter than ever, if that's possible.

During the winter many of us have depression issues that are deeper than usual, 
due to having stronger or different aches and pains.  The weather is also very 
depressing, and many suffer from SAD.  When we exercise we are doing something 
positive for ourselves and often the aches and pains are reduced at least a bit 
by moving, if we are careful not to overdo it.  

So, come on everyone, join in....... We've got a good group of us that have 
chosen to try to get our exercise programs going again.  We're all here for 
support, isn't that what this group is for???

Big hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn CA

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