Hi Everyone.  

I had unsubscribed for quite sometime and needed some help that only  our TM 
friends would understand.  

Terry had been in increased pain of the lower extremities for the past few 
months.  He thought it may JUST be TM rearing it's ugly head, but decided to 
check it out.  He had a spinal MRI yesterday and he has Severe Spinal Stenosis, 
severe enough that they want him to go to emergency tomorrow and see the 
Neurosurgeon, (getting an appt. takes weeks/months, ya know)?   They pretty 
much concluded that he will need surgery.  He trusts his doctor implicitly, but 
of course needs the surgeons opinion.  

Have any of you been DX'd with SSS?  If so, what treatments besides starting on 
mega does of steroids again, works?  The doc fears if he gets on a large dose, 
he won't be able to get off of it.  He is currently on 7 mg daily and has been 
forever it seems. 

How is everyone?  I have missed all of you but am fortunate to get private 
emails from some of you.


Sandy Parker.

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