Ok, Janice, first day of spring or not, it is freakin cold here this
morning.  Minus eleven, with the wind-chill bringing it to -23C.  And it is
windy!  An inside day for me for sure, I had planned on going fishing -
yesterday it was beautiful and warm.  So today with the cold, my legs are
yelling at me.


As for the familial thing:  I was told no, it is not familial.  However, my
15 year old son has extreme difficulties with his legs, the pain, etc.  They
have ruled out everything - the good and the bad - but he still has the same
kind of pain that I do.  He has a small spot on his spine at T2, but of
course:   "there is no way that can be giving him the symptoms he describes"
I am hoping that it is not hereditary, as I have four children.
Interestingly enough, when I was diagnosed, the afflicted son was the only
one to ask that question!


Have a great day.




From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: March 21, 2010 5:29 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Children


Good Morning.      It is the first day of SPRING!!!!!


I have a question for you "smarter than me" TM'ers.   


In the future, do we have any information on chances for our children ending
up with TM also? 



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