Thanks Wim, it is quite exciting to see our country moving forward and making 
the health of our nation so important.

From: wim from holland 
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:08 AM
Subject: [TMIC] healthcare

Congratulations with your new healthcare system. It is almost a copy of the 
Dutch system. Our minister of heathcare had been a few times in America and the 
White House to excplain the benefids of the system. At the end it will makes it 
all cheaper for customer, gouverment and insuerance companies. It provides 
healthcare for everyone. For those who had not healthcare and get an accident, 
taxpayers had to pay for it. Also people because of not having healthcare 
waited much too long to see a doctor, at the end ended in a hospital with much 
higher costs, wich came at the shoulders of the taxpayers.
Here in Holland, because the insuerance companies demand you take the cheapest 
possible medications, the price of these is now so much lower, that Gemans and 
Belges come to Holland for the free medications, only Spain and Portugal are 
Wim from Holland

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