Dear member of the TMA community:

Allen Rucker has been nominated for the Spinal Cord Injury Hall of Fame in the entertainment category.  As many of you know, Allen got TM and wrote a book about his experiences, “The Best Seat in the House.”  Allen is a great supporter of the TMA!  He was a keynote speaker at our symposium in Seattle in 2008 and is a regular columnist for the TMA Journal.  Allen is also a regular contributor to Ability Magazine and New Mobility Magazine.  

It would be wonderful for our community, if Allen was awarded this honor!  It would help to raise awareness about TM and the other rare neuroimmunologic disorders and it would also raise awareness about our Association and our community.  When Allen speaks about his experiences, he always talks about TM and he always talks about the TMA and our community.

Please get onto the Spinal Cord Injury web site and please vote for Allen.  It would be a wonderful honor for Allen and it would be wonderful for all of us.

The Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Hall of Fame voting deadline is through April 15.  Please visit for the full story and the voting link.
You must be a member of NSCIA to vote, but membership is free & you can sign up easily online!


Thank you!

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