Hello all,
Just a quick note to let you all know that Pete and I are well, safe, and back 
on the road to our vacation as planned.  We spent last night in a shelter near 
Nashville, and it could not have been more pleasant.  Our hearts went out, and 
continue to do so, to all of the people that have had losses, both personal and 
physical, from this tragic mess from the storms over the weekend.  Those that 
we came in contact with seemed to take it so very well, and most had been 
rescued from their homes by boat with their furniture floating around.  Many 
are waiting for family and friends to come and pick them up and take them with 
them to their homes once the roads are open to do so and others aren't sure 
what they are going to do.  So very sad.
We have such a renewed respect for The Red Cross, not to say that we didn't 
have one before, but seeing first hand the fabulous work that they do, it's 
really different.  And, we were in a Jewish Community Center, which was an 
awesome center, with really wonderful people who were member volunteers helping 
out the Red Cross.  These people could not do enough for those who came into 
the shelter needing a place to stay for the night or longer.  So many with just 
the clothes on their backs, they quickly came through with a change of 
clothing, and plenty more.  Just this morning they were asking those who needed 
shoes to let them know what sizes they needed.  An amazing amount of donations 
were already there just the day after, so at least those who needed it can get 
some clean clothes to change into and keep.  There were some children of 
volunteers that were walking around handing out t-shirts, warm socks and water. 
 At mealtime the children would assist in carrying the plates for those who 
needed it, it was wonderful to see them so eager to help others. Although our 
visit to the shelter was not on our itinerary, we are actually very thankful 
that we made it part of our vacation, as we were enriched by the experience 
firsthand, seeing how well people come together in a crisis.
We have learned how much we take for granted and how much we need to give 
thanks for that seems to just slip by kind of without too much notice.   

We enjoyed a good dinner with BobbyJim tonight, he's such a big teddy bear, 
probably as many would have suspected.  We missed meeting his wife though, as 
she wasn't up to getting out a bit.  She works a full-time job, which is 
wonderful, so I have to respect her for all that she can do that I cannot find 
the stamina to do myself.  Here's a photo of the 3 of us, and if anyone isn't 
sure, I'm the one in the middle, lol.  BobbyJim has the white shirt on and Pete 
has the black one.  
Take care all, and take the time to smell the roses, or daisies, whichever you 
Hugs to all,  Barbara A (back on the road again, lol)

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA


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