I am really happy to see this for the birthdays.  I and we are so isolated
with our disease, that such support is similar to what vets obtain from each
other when they reach out to each other through a network such as this

God bless you all.

Dalton Garis
Abu Dhabi

Dalton H. Garis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Economics
And Petroleum Market Behavior
The Petroleum Institute
P.O. Box 2533, Umm al Nar
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760

On 1/6/10 8:37 AM, "Barbara H." <barbara...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Happy Birthday to the June kids! Please send any additions or corrections to
> mic-l...@eskimo.com.
> In addition, this month also contains two birthdays of TMers who have passed
> on, Tom Carr (6/2) and Dennis Galvin (6/25). If you still know any of their
> loved ones, I am sure they's apprciate knowing you're still thinking of them.
> 6-1 Akua (a...@artfarm.com)
> 6-5 Tobe Kanon (spirita...@verizon.net)
> 6/5 Mindy King (we4king...@verizon.net)
> 6-11  Irene (ijrl...@aol.com)
> 6/11 Marabeth (mes...@earthlink.net)
> 6-11  Sharon Marsden (dorightra...@yahoo.com)
> 6/11 bobby hennessy (wheeelchairbo...@hotmail.com)
> 6-17  Cheryl (rn11...@yahoo.com)
> 6-19 Tom in Delaware (te...@flash.net )
> 6-19   Debbie Capen (dca...@earthlink.net)
> 6-22 Ann Moran (annmo...@gofree.indigo.ie)
> 6-22 Gerry (suret...@sympatico.ca)
> 6-24 Lynne (lynnemye...@yahoo.com)
> 6-25 Errol White (eamjwh...@bigpond.com )
> 6-28 Kim Harrison (kimr1...@bellsouth.net)
> 6-29  Pauline (prha...@aol.com)
> 6/30 Bobby Jim (elbobber...@earthlink.net)

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