I am so sorry for this new development, Roger. I hope and pray the medicines
give you the best recovery possible.

Barbara H.

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:15 PM, Roger Pratt <r.c.pr...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  Here it is almost the 4th of July, 2010, I haven’t written in a long
> time, and here I am again at a major turning point in my life.
>           It all started in mid-February.  While on vacation in Mexico, my
> right foot started hurting.  “More fun and after-effects from my
> Transverse Myelitis,” I thought, and I resolved to see my neurologist when
> we got home.  I had recently stopped a medication she had put me on for
> nerve pain that had horrible side effects and also had what seemed to be a
> spider bite on my right leg.  “Something minor,” I thought.  By the time I
> got to the doctor, my right foot started to swell.  She had an ultrasound
> done of the blood vessels in my legs to check for blood clots, and then my
> left foot and ankle started to swell.  Then my right hand went numb and I
> lost use of two of my fingers.  As pain and swelling increased, I went
> through five MRIs of my spine and brain, a spinal tap, other miscellaneous
> tests, and handfuls of pills (mainly pain pills that just made me sicker).
>  After much delay, my doctor sent me to an MS specialist in Seattle, who
> confirmed that my doctor was, as she had said before sending me, “clueless”,
> and that she (the doctor in Seattle) didn’t know what it was either.  By
> this time I started having muscle loss in my right hand and was generally
> losing weight all over.  Finally on the 7th of June I was sent to a doctor
> in Walla Walla who specializes in peripheral nerve disorders.  He did a
> nerve conductivity test and diagnosed me as having a rare autoimmune
> disorder called Mononeuritis Multiplex that attacks peripheral blood
> vessels and nerves.  I am now on steroid IVs once a week and am taking a
> drug called Imuran which suppresses the autoimmune system that should stop
> the progression of the disorder.  This will probably take a long time and
> may not reverse all the damage.  I may have to be on Imuran for the rest
> of my life.  For now it’s just wait and see.

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