I am glad the surgery worked for you - that is great.    Time will tell with 

From: Beeclark 
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:26 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Re: [TMIC] This link was on the Forum today...surgery for 
4-yr old with TM - WoW

I should think it works the same way my "tendon transfer" worked for my right 
hand. After TM "visited" me in April 2006 and I spent a month in a rehab 
facility, all four fingers on my right hand 'dropped' at the hand knuckles. I 
couldn't lift my fingers up when my palm was facing the floor, nor open my 
[permanently?] cupped hand without manual assistance. My occupational therapist 
recommended me to a wonderful sports medicine surgeon who, with the guidance of 
a Stanford surgeon, performed a 2-part tendon transfer on my right wrist in 
September of 2008 and October of 2009. Using a lesser tendon in my arm, he 
transferred its' function to take over for the damaged one. After several 
hand/arm splints and therapy sessions, the result is I can now open and close 
my fingers - though I am still working on bending the end joints completely - 
i.e. making a fist. The added function has been a God-send... I can now grip 
things between my fingers and thumb [like the zipper of my pants], pick up 
things, etc.

The nerve transfer for little Sadie may conceivably work in the same way, 
possibly even better since she's so young and likely more adaptable to therapy 
than someone my age [57]. My prayers and best wishes go out to her and her 
parents. It's hard enough on those of us who've had the advantage of living 
some number of years as a 'whole' person, but for someone so young and in the 
infancy of life to be struck down by TM... that offends my senses. If these 
doctors have discovered a possible "fix" for the lack of function we TM'rs are 
left with, HALLELULAH!!! I anxiously await hearing about her recovery.

(in Northern California)

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