My doctor told me about one of his previous patients who had dealt with spinal 
damage also.     She, like many of us, has dysautonomia - which is our heat
problem year round of not being able to handle the heat and getting the heavy 
sweats.     She finally gave up in Missouri and now lives in Montana and is
much happier.    I have some trouble with body heat in the winter, but not like 
it is in the summer.    My body sure doesn't handle the humidity in Missouri.
My husband has put a standing fan in our patio to blow just on me so I can be 
with him.    But, there are some days when we don't even try it.      Our heat
index is to be between 105 and 110 degrees tomorrow - really hate that.       
Montana is looking pretty good.   Also, my pain pays no attention to the
temperature or time of year.

From: Rev. Craig Crossman 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:21 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Heat

For me, the amount of pain has remained constant no matter the temperature, but 
my energy level and balance have really gone downhill. Unfortunately I have 
been told that this is NOT unusual weather for KS and it will probably get 
worse mid-August. Oh Lord!

            My congregation has been very supportive but I must admit I have 
thought about moving back to WV or PA where we did not have quite the extreme 
summer heat. But I HATE giving in. My wife tells me I need to remember the 
words STUBBORN and STUPID both are found in the same area in the dictionary.


From: Robert Pall [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:49 PM
To: Pieter and Heather; Janet Dunn; bobby jim; Rev. Craig Crossman;
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Heat


I used to believe heat and humidity made my condition I am not 
really sure. I pretty much decide each day how I am feeling by the amount of 
banding in my legs and stomach. On really bad days the banding is painful and 
makes walking both difficult and exhausting. The problem is that I have good 
and bad days all thru the year...good weather or ...or cold.......I 
suppose the good news is that I will probably feel the same no matter where I 


Rob in New Jersey 



From: Pieter and Heather [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 2:38 PM
To: Janet Dunn; 'bobby jim'; 'Rev. Craig Crossman';
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Heat



I'm not really wise......  :)  I just go to Environment Canada and check the 
temps.  It is usually in Centigrade but then if you click on the C it will 
convert it to Farenheit.  However, a quick way I convert when not near the 
computer is I double the current Celcius then add 32 degrees and minus about 4 
degrees.  Example..... plus 29C would be 29 plus 29 plus 32 - 4 equals approx 
86 Farenheit.  LOL  

Yes, I too prefer the heat to the cold.  Right this minute it is 12:34 pm. 
Calgary time.  The Celcius temps is plus 16 C or 62 F according to Environment 

It has been quite cool here in Calgary this summer with a ton of big 
thunderstorms, large hail and wind and that is all in one day.  For the first 
time in it's 98 year history the Calgary Stampede had to cancel the evening 
Chuckwagon races and the big Grandstand show due to rain, wind, hail, etc.  

Unlike Eastern Canada who have been sweltering in hot very humid conditions. 

I prefer this cooler version of summer.  Even with the rain because my muscles 
do not seize up as much as they do in the winter with the cold and snow. 


Wherever you are fellow TMer's I hope you are all having a good day.


Heather in Calgary 


  ----- Original Message ----- 

  From: Janet Dunn 

  To: 'bobby jim' ; 'Rev. Craig Crossman' ; 

  Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 10:36 PM

  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Heat


  I know the heat is tough on us with TM, what weather isn't?  But . . . I much 
prefer the heat to the cold.  Of course where I live it doesn't get that hot, 
only around 29 Celcius, and I am sorry to my American friends but I am not sure 
how much that is in Farenheit.  Perhaps around 85?  Heather from Calgary will 
know, because Heather, you are wise.




  From: bobby jim [] 
  Sent: August 2, 2010 7:05 PM
  To: Rev. Craig Crossman;
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Heat


  Well, here in Elvisland, my back yard (in the shade) hit 99.7º a bit after 12 

  At 8:30 PM it was down to 91.0º......!!!!     Wow.


  BobbyJim, running around the house in his 'underwear'....;>);>)    

    From: Rev. Craig Crossman 


    Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 19:35

    Subject: [TMIC] Heat


    OK - I am getting close to surrender. I drove to Wichita, KS today (5.5 
hours from Colby) for a conference. At 9AM it was 94 degrees; upon arrival in 
Wichita it was 108 degrees! I'd wave a white flag but I'm busy using it to fan 


    Rev. Craig Crossman

    First Baptist Church

    615 W. Webster St.

    Colby, KS 67701

    W - (785)462-2867/ Cell - (785)443-5154


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