Do you take pain meds?     Do they help?                   I am not a pill 
pusher, but the doc's have given me vicatin for pain and it helps.    I am 
relapsing right now - from
being the strongest I have ever been to weak.    Am still going to PT and they 
are trying their best, within my limits, to help me get the strength back.    I 
am really
fighting depression from going to my best to where I am now - no fun.     But, 
I am still working to improve again.    

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 10:40 AM
To: john snodgrass 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause

        tm is a pain in more way than one. the burning pain and banding have 
been much worse since my fall,and i ache all over esp. my upper left arm.just 
glad no bones broke.

      --- On Thu, 8/5/10, john snodgrass <> wrote:

        From: john snodgrass <>
        Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause
        To: "" <>
        Cc: "transverse myelitis" <>
        Date: Thursday, August 5, 2010, 7:04 PM

              after work i went to Kroger pharm to get some meds. i walked to 
the back of the store with my wife and wondered if i would make it back out.

              it truely is an aggravating feeling when you feel your legs begin 
to spas in a wierd kind of way when they have been oddly numb all day.

              pain in back and side,thigh tightening and pain like a charlie 
horse,knee stiffening,calf busting and foot swelling.

              nothing like it.

              --- On Thu, 8/5/10, <> wrote:

                From: <>
                Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause
                To: "Janice Nichols" <>
                Date: Thursday, August 5, 2010, 7:17 AM

                         Over the years,I've had times when things got a little 
better for a while,then got worse and stayed that way.
                         For years I walked in the house without any 
devices,then went to a cane,and now a walker. I'm sure if I lost weight I'd be 
able to do better.
                         My right leg is the "strong" one,and that isn't saying 
much these days.   :) 

                      --- On Wed, 8/4/10, Janice Nichols 
<> wrote:

                        From: Janice Nichols <>
                        Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause
                        Date: Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 11:11 PM

                        A month or so ago I had a span when I was pretty 
strong.    I went to HyVee and walked the cart like you did.   I was so proud.  
   Now I am in a recession and not
                        strong enough to do it again.    My right leg has 
decided to weaken.    We are not sure why - could be a ham string, but after a 
session of PT it was much better, then
                        all of a sudden, it went weak.     Anything like that 
happen to you  -  or any TM'ers?

                        Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 8:07 PM
                        To: Janice Nichols 
                        Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause

                                 I use a walker all the time,even walking in my 
house. I never know when my legs will fail me.At the store I put the walker in 
the cart.Today I just had 4 things to get,so I used the regular cart and kept 
it close to my body.

                              --- On Wed, 8/4/10, Janice Nichols 
<> wrote:

                                From: Janice Nichols <>
                                Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause
                                Date: Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 7:14 PM

                                Good girl!!      Do you do that with a cane or 
walker or wheelchair?

                                Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 6:35 AM
                                To: Janice Nichols 
                                Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause

                                Hi Janice,
                                    I usually have my daughter Lynn do my 
grocery shopping since the store is so spread out.But I needed several items in 
Walmart and I wanted to get out of the house for a while. 
                                   I just came back from the local grocery 
store;got all I needed at one end,was out in less than 10 min.
                                     Cheryl in hot,humid Easthampton,MA.

                                --- On Tue, 8/3/10, Janice Nichols 
<> wrote:

                                From: Janice Nichols <>
                                Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause
                                To:, "john snodgrass" 
                                Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 11:22 PM

                                I am sure that those who saw you fall, or just 
afterward, thought that you had a lot of guts to get out and shop.      I hope 
this doesn't keep you from going
                                again.    You go girl!!!!!

                                Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 5:12 PM
                                To: john snodgrass 
                                Subject: Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause

                                Hi John,
                                   I wish I could say I had no pain for even a 
few seconds. But,from the moment I open my eyes until I go to sleep the burning 
pain,numbness,tingling,and "banding" are my constant companions.
                                   Today is a really bad day. Yesterday I went 
to Walmart with my daughter Lynn.While walking down an aisle,the cart got ahead 
of me somehow,and the next thing I knew I was flat on the floor. It almost felt 
like there was a slant to the floor.
                                I let go of the cart so it wouldn't fall over 
with me.So there I was ,lying face down.Only one person stopped to help.She 
held her cart,Lynn held mine and I tried to push up on my "good" leg,but 
couldn't do it. Lynn went and got an employee who brought an automated cart,and 
I was able to get up by leaning on the seat and pushing up.
                                   Today I am bruised on my legs and 
forearms,and achy all over.But,I am so thankful I didn't break any bones.Lynn 
says she never saw anyone fall "in one piece" without bending knees.Scared 
her;she thought I was having a stroke or heart attack.
                                     Cheryl in Easthampton,MA.

                                --- On Mon, 8/2/10, john snodgrass 
<> wrote:

                                From: john snodgrass <>
                                Subject: [TMIC] pause from the cause
                                To: "transverse myelitis" <>
                                Date: Monday, August 2, 2010, 4:45 PM

                                Does anyone ever have moments that they don't 
feel anything?

                                Moments of "no pain"  but then you move and 
shazam! there it is again? 







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