

Following is a list of all the drugs I take:


Heart Related       These are because of high cholesterol and triglycerides

Tricor                                    145mg   (at breakfast)

Zetia                                        10 mg  (at breakfast)

Fish Oil                 1000 mg               (4Xdaily)


Transverse Myelitis Related

Amantadine                       100mg                   (1 to 2Xdaily)
(for fatigue)

*Cymbalta                          60mg                     (at bedtime) 

*Zanaflex                            4 mg                      (at bedtime)

*Triavil (Perphenazine- Amitriptyline)                  4/50mg
(at bedtime)      (This really helps with sleep!)

Tranxene                             7.5mg                    (as needed) 

Darevacet                           (as needed)


Mononeuritis multiplex

Prednisone infusions                                    (1 X a week)

Imuran                                 200mg (daily)


Iron, Multi-Vitamin, Calcium

Prevacid                                30 mg  (at breakfast)

Vitamin B-12 (by injection)

Lisinopril                                 10 mg    (at bedtime)


Hope you find this helpful.


Roger in Kennewick, WA


PS.  Others I've tried that haven't worked:

Felbatol, Tegretol, Dilantin, Depakote, Trileptal (all caused rash), Savella
(caused myalgia), Lyrica (aggravated swelling in feet and ankles), Fentanyl
topical (Headache, nausea, vomiting, weird symptoms, confusion), Neurontin
(caused severe drossiness), Ultram, Zonegran, Lamictal, Keppra, 



From: Janice Nichols [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 8:41 PM
To: Rev. Craig Crossman;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Miracle of Miracles!






From: Rev. Craig <>  Crossman 

Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 4:14 PM


Subject: [TMIC] Miracle of Miracles!


I went to the clinic today and saw my nurse practitioner. Turns out she had
taken quite  bit of time to study up on TM; something my former doctor never
bothered to do. So we were able to discuss intelligently my symptoms, my
meds, and treatment options. What a difference!

            She upped my hydrocodone from 5mg to 10mg, scheduled me for PT
(including hydrotherapy) and she added Amitriptyline HCL. This should help
me sleep and also help with depression. Has anyone had any experience with
this drug? What can I expect?

            God bless those who care and take the time to educate themselves
about what we face. There are not many of them, but if you find one they are
like gold.


Rev. Craig Crossman

First Baptist Church

615 W. Webster St.

Colby, KS 67701

W - (785)462-2867/ Cell - (785)443-5154


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