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-----Original Message-----
From: "Mail Delivery System" <>
Date: 31 Aug 2010 04:22:07 
To: <>
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

The following message to <> was undeliverable.
The reason for the problem:
5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.1 <>... User 

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--- Begin Message ---
I am new to this site,I have been reading it and it has been helping but would 
like to be more a part of this group. I was diagnosed with tm in  july27,2007. 
I am on Baclofen& Topamax at this time also daily vit and D. I have been 
loosing energy over last year fatigue is terrible. Unable to sleep from pain. I 
know I need this group because my life as I knew it is gone! I used to be 
compared to a workaholic jokingly by my friends. I loved to work and was a 
therapist for a inpatient psychiatric hospital. As well individual, marital 
therapy and group counseling for out pt therapy. When TM hit I was forced out 
of my job of 20 years. I am home and well feel I'm just now getting to point 
that I accept changes. BUT!!! Lots to learn. Anyone have insight into 
Depression and TM? Not sure I'm tired or depressed! Thanks jackie
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--- End Message ---

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