They're denying me my cure-all naltrexone

---- i may have to call the ambulance and go to emergency and get drugged up-- because that way i can be sure to get to the doctor -- there's no paratransit and the doctor won't renew my meds til i see her and the company has not been available whenever ive gotten appointments....

sooooooooo maybe this will help and save me from calling the ambulance.
Off to look for it on the web.

OK friends;

It's time to say that I still have had no seizures. The last one I had was on 15 August. It is now 31 August. That is 16 days and is by far the longest I have gone without seizing up. I don't understand it, because I was getting more than one per day and they had gotten so that I was unable to talk or move and could only write a few words to communicate.

It would be good to see if others have any positive reactions from this. It is otherwise completely harmless, homeopathic medicine. It can be obtained for about $6.00 at a health food store. It is magnesia phosphorica. Follow directions. Have a clean mouth without just drinking coffee or tea or anything but water before; and place three tablets under the tongue without touching them to any other thing before they come to rest under the tongue. Then, let them dissolve. Wait a day or so to see if anything has changed. Tell us the result.




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