It says ³30c² on the little dispenser.  I would take 3 at once and never
took more than once per day.


From: Janet Dunn <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 08:20:57 -0700
To: Dalton Garis <>, <>
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Mag Phos

Hi Dalton
Do you know what strength you took?  I take regular magnesium, in very high
dosages, to help with the tightening and aching of the legs.
One time I did ³prove² a homeopathic remedy for nerves, not mag phos, and
wow, did I learn my lesson.
I have worked and studied in the alternative medicine field for 12 years,
and am not comfortable with homeopathics except as an acute first aid.
Magnesium in itself is a very good thing.
How are you doing now?  I just threw my two cents in as the field of
homeopathics is not often understood.  The person who gave you the mag phos
did the right thing in the situation.  The dosage is what I am curious about
­ 30C 6x etc.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.  It does help me in my
professional life.

From: Dalton Garis []
Sent: September 3, 2010 4:06 AM
To: Janet Dunn;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Mag Phos

I haven't taken any of the mag. phos. since 15 August.  I first took it on
the 10th I think, while in the throes of a bad series of convulsions.  They
abruptly stopped.  So took it on and off for a few days after the first
time, and when I felt a seizure coming on.  On the 15th I took some but a
tiny convulsion came over me anyway, I decided they actually didn¹t work.
That was the last seizure-convulsion I have had.  Since that stuff was the
only thing different, and since I had been so sick with the convulsions that
I was adjusting to the idea that my worklife was over‹so, I thought I should
mention what happened to the TM group.  I don¹t understand the dosages or
the units involved.

But, as I said at first, I do not promote it, understand it, or represent it
in any way.  I just thought I should mention what happened and suggest
others try this otherwise harmless thing to see if there were any positive


From: Janet Dunn <>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 23:34:21 -0700
To: <>
Subject: [TMIC] Mag Phos
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 23:34:22 -0700

Hello to all;
I have ³listened² in on the whole conversation about Mag Phos, as we call it
in the alternative medicine world.
There are several different strengths of Mag Phos, and then there is the
tissue salt.
Dalton: what strength were you taking?  If you were taking 6x, then that is
a good thing ­ there are very rarely any side effects from that, as it is a
tissue salt, one of the twelve essential minerals that our cells need.
Then there is the homeopathic version:  it can come in anything from 1M,
30c, 30x, 6D, etc etc.  Both the tissue salt and the homeopathic Mag Phos do
similar things, but with a homeopathic remedy, you can ³prove² the remedy.
You can take too much of it, and then aggravate the very symptoms that you
were trying to get rid of.  The symptoms can become much worse, then you
need the corresponding antidote homeopathic remedy, or time, to ease up the
I am not sure what strength you were taking, or how much of it you took. But
that is a possibility that you proved the remedy.
Or it could just be as someone else said (maybe Barbara or Janice?) (talk
about memory, and the email is long gone) :  perhaps, feeling good, you over
did it and caused a fatigue ­ I need a rest day.
Just my two cents,

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