Welcome to our site.  I am sorry it took TM to find us.  I too have
Idiopathic TM.  I was DX in June of 2008.  I was in the hospital for 5 weeks
and was given Prednisone with there and was sent home with a script of oral
prednisone to start weaning.  The TM affected my legs and of course the
bladder and bowels.  I had PT while there and then continued when I got
home.  I have since progressed to where I am able to get around the house
with walker/cane, but do need a walker to my electric scooter when I go to
any activity that requires a lot of walking.


This group is also for the spouses or care givers.  There are no questions
that you cannot ask.  We are all here for you and your hubby.


Take care and give our best to your hubby.


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Emily [mailto:em...@telephonelady.com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:11 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] New to TM


Hi Everyone,


My husband has recently (September 2nd) been diagnosed with Idiopathic TM.
He was treated at Pennsylvania Hospital under the care of a team of
Neurologists.  He was given mega doses of Prednisone and is currently
weaning with oral prednisone.  He was discharged from the hospital last
Thursday and he is now working hard at an acute rehabilitation center (3-5
hours each day).   He has a very positive outlook and is "taking it one day
at a time".   


My question is this..is there a support group for spouses of TM?





Life is not measured by the number of breaths that we take 

but by the moments that take our breath away.



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