That is exactly my experience--Now that I have moved I cannot find a doctor
who knows more about TM than I do.

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Akua <> wrote:

>   She did tell me that if I found anything to try that we have not tried
>> to bring it to her and we would try it. Thats a lot in some circumstances
>> where you are told to just be still.
> YES!  Agreed,  not great but waaaaay better than GP and crew who REFUSED to
> renew my Naltrexone..
> ... but you know, slow and aching and horrible as it's been, i would not
> have found the neuro who has now led to the physiatrist....
>> I just want a plate of stem cells with cheese please!
> Me too! I'm fixable! I want to be fixed!!!! I want to walk again. Now!
> Akua
> --

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