re bladder problems I also had such difficulties voiding; until I went to my 
urologist. he prescrice flomax. which has helped. having had chroinc mylelopaty 
I know the pain and disscomfort bladder problems can cause

Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 08:43:08 -0800
Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2010 #608

--Forwarded Message Attachment--

tmic-digest Digest                              Volume 2010 : Issue 608
Today's Topics:
  Re: [TMIC] hello out there            [ "Janice Nichols" <jan...@centurytel ]

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 10:38:00 -0600
Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello out there

I have painful arthritis in my lower back and my pain management doc says that 
the TM aggravates the arthritis and the arthritis aggravates the TM.    I bet 
it is
the same way with you.    I also get injections in my back for pain.    How 
often do you get an injection?

From: Carol E 
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 10:06 AM
To: ; 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] hello out there

I also have the residuals as Linda mentioned...burning, banding, weakness, 
bladder control.  Sometimes I can void normally (pre TM) and other times I have 
to sit on the pot for 5 minutes to void.  I feel like I am about to burst, but 
nothing comes out.  I wiggle and wiggle and finally a slow trickle that takes 
maybe another 3 minutes.  I would say about half the time I void normally and 
half of the time, I don't.  
This week, my back is killing me.  It started Saturday with a burning & itching 
sensation and then Sunday immense pain began about 3 inches lower, about waist 
level and lower.  My hips hurt and painful when I stand and bear weight.  I was 
taking Aleve for my discomfort and this week I graduated to Vicodin and 
Flexeril.  I'm not sure, but I think my pain is from spinal stenosis and 
bulging disks instead of the TM.  I have scheduled my 2nd Lumbar Epidural for 
next week, if I still need it.  Would have gone this week, but I have to 
discontinue Plavix, aspirin and Aleve before I can get the epidural.  What a 

Worrying does not empty 
tomorrow of its troubles;
It empties today of its strengths. 



Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello out there
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 21:16:00 -0700

This is what I have been told also.  My lesions can still be seen but they are 
inactive (C4,5,6). I was told they are like a scar.  However, I've seen posts 
where others have been told something different.
Dalton, I still have all the residuals - burning, banding, weakness - it's just 
that some days are better than others.  It's going on 9 years for me.  Hope you 
get to feeling better!
Linda  in Eagle, ID

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Carol E 
To: ; 
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 9:04 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] hello out there

Hi Dalton and all,
I was 1st diagnosed with TM June 2005.  I had lesions from T7-T10.  Every time 
I have new MRI's, I am always told that I have no new lesions, but they can 
still see the old ones which are inactive.  So I would say the lesions do not 
go away, they are there like a scar.  

Carol  in Addison, IL


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 07:50:59 +0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello out there

Hey, Janice!

We missed you.  And I missed you.  Glad to have you back with us.

I have a question for everyone.  A recent set of MRIs showed that my spine in 
the thoracic was clear with no lesions or swellings.  It has been one year 
since the diagnosis for TM.

Do these lesions clear up later on, or did somebody make a mistake somewhere?  
Because my everyday symptoms are still weakness and pain from fingers to just 
above the elbow, and from toes to above the knees with banding and burning in 
the torso and back.  And if I exercise at all, the next day I am in for 
day-long spasms that leave me housebound and often unable to get around without 
assistance of my dear part-time maid and helper.

Could someone get back to me on this?

Thanks a lot.


From: Janice Nichols <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 19:28:29 -0600
To: Dalton Garis <>, Barbara Alma <>, 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello out there

I do too, Dalton.    You have a different set of problems that I have not heard 
in other TM'ers.     Sure wish you would get you act together - scares me!!!
Seriously, I hope that is the last day you will have like that.

From: Dalton Garis <>  
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 10:23 AM
To: Barbara Alma <>  ; 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello out there


I had a day-long attack of spasms yesterday which left me unable to control 
either my hands and arms, legs, torso or speech.  Every time I tried to talk I 
would cramp up. And Elvis was definitely being channeled in my body.  Thank 
heavens I had the assistance of a very nice and strong maid who visits me once 
a week.  It was her day to visit and she stayed with me and helped me to the 
bathroom and into and out of chairs.  It was hard to sit down because I 
couldn’t make my body bend and I’d just slide off.  But we got it under 
control.  She had to help me drink and eat.  I would grab the coffee cup handle 
and then could not make my hand let go.

In the mean time I was so grateful for her assistance and that the Lord was 
taking care of me that I was also as high as a kite and proposing marriage to 
chairs and such.  

Today was the beginning of the work week here (Abu Dhabi) and I did alright.  
But the lecture kept going off on these tangents making it hard for my class to 
take useful notes.  It was because my mental state was still flying around the 

What is going on here?  OK, I have TM in my upper spine; but what is this 
mental derangement stuff?  I sure wish the drs could find out what is wrong 
with me.


From: Barbara Alma <>
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 00:48:22 -0400 (EDT)
To: <>
Subject: [TMIC] hello out there
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 21:48:30 -0700

Well, I guess since nobody has written in that all must be going well for 
everyone.  It's very good to hear this.  I do think that it is a good idea to 
keep this list going though in case there are any newbies who may need us and 
don't think there is anyone here to listen to them.

If a couple of days pass without any messages, let's send in a message or two.
Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA


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