I could write a book about what an LTD insurance company did to me.
The bottom line is, they stopped paying my benefits at the 24 month point
because of ABSURD AND INCORRECT statements made on a doctor's
report that I did not get to see in advance. When I confronted my doctor,
he quickly filled out a form correcting the mistakes, but guess what?
The insurance company wouldn't accept the new form. I fought for
years, but could not afford a lawyer, so never got my benefits back.

LTD's are one of the biggest scams out there in my opinion.



After 31 months, I'm finally scheduled for an IME for my LTD on the 16th of this month!

My question is for anyone who has gone through an IME. What can I expect? This "NEURO" assigned for the IME is board certified BUT he owns his own "Neuro Center" which does nothing but Workers Comp and other insurance "Independent" neuro exams - LOL! While he attended college in some neuro fields, I can't find where he received a degree in neurology! He did, however, attended several months of "training" for insurance medical examinations and receive creditials!

This is a BIG case with almost $50,000 past due from Insurance and another $60,000 to the end of the end of LTD.

Warning for all you newbies - if you have STD/LTD through your employers, after 2 years the insurance company will TRY to discontinue payments due to a law for mental cases!

That law does not apply for physcial conditions EVEN though the insurance companies will do anything they can to NOT pay!

At the beginning, I suggest that you look up a GOOD LTD lawyer and call to be prepared for problems especially after 2 years! Laws are changing all the time and the insurance

Also, TELL your doctor not to send any papers to ANY ONE without telling you and letting you review BEFORE sending out the papers! Have a BIG note put on your case file to that effect!

MY Neuro answered papers that allowed only YES/NO answers at the height of Season here in SW FL! Since this is mainly a retirement town, and most of his patients are on Medicare Already, he answered the YES/NO WITHOUT further explanation and sent back to insurance without my knowledge!

ALWAYS before, the insurance company sent forms to me for me and the doctor to fill out. I would always have to drop off the papers and pick them up to send back. BUT to get rid of me, the insurance company sent papers directly to my doctor and none to me - not even a notice! The last set of papers was just 6 weeks after the quarterly review papers! LIKE a MIRACLE would occur after 2 1/2 years of severe TM in just 6 weeks - 2 attacks of TM affecting C4 - T1 and T10 - T12!

Just a word of warning to all newer TMers! SSDI is bad enough but the LTD insurance companies are the WORST !%!$#$!#@ OF ALL!

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably .
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

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