Patti I also have the pads that fit completely over the bed, the rubber pants 
and all the others.  

I also have an ileostomy - I had to have my colon removed over 35 years ago - 
so I have to wear a bag on my lower abdomen that drains constantly.  I have few 
problems with the ileostomy it's the appliances - some don't even last a day 
before they fall apart! 

The ileostomy is good in some ways because I don't have the usual BM problems 
of other TMers. 

I started using the bed pads 4 years before the TM because of the ileostomy 
applance problems. 

I can't wear the rubber pants except to go out in because I develop bad cases 
of yeast infections nor the pads all the time due to yeast! 

I have about 4 pads for the bed and about 10 for chairs and such!  A mop is 
always around also! 

TM has really cut into my social life - not only getting out and around but 
because of the bladder problems and the yeast infections! 

OH FYI - old fashioned yeast infection fighter - use non-flavored original 
yogurt on an inserted tampon!  SORRY GUYS!  The GREEK yogurt seems to work the 
best!  That has been a salvation for me!  It works within a day or 2!  The 
trouble is I never feel the burning or pain, I have to judge by a rash!  I 
always keep the yogurt on hand just in case!  

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patricia Cooley" <> 
Sent: Saturday, December 4, 2010 11:24:31 AM 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Med Question 

Candis thanks for responding so quickly.  Right now I am only taking 300mg at 
night.  My doctor said he may have to increase it sometime in the future.  I 
did notice I slept very well last night.  I did have to get up at one point to 
go potty but went right back to sleep. 

The nighttime bladder can be a real problem.  I found a waterproof pad that 
fits across my whole bed so if an accident happens I don’t have to change the 
whole bed, just throw the pad in the washing machine and dryer.  Also, at 
another web site I found they have a rubber pants that is completely 
waterproof.  I wear that over my overnight pad and in the morning there is no 
mess.  Also, I purchased regular underpants that have just a rubber crotch that 
I can wear during the day and if I don’t get to the bathroom soon enough, at 
least I don’t have to change clothes. 

I agree that TM is horrible in so many ways.  I can handle the pain, etc., it 
is the bladder problems that really gets me down.  I guess you come into the 
world wearing diapers, and we go out the same. 

Have a Merry Christmas Candis. 

Patti - Wisconsin 

Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:56 AM 
To: tmic-list 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Med Question 

Patti, I've been on gabapentin for awhile now.  It does seem to help with the 
cold/burning in the feet along with several other things.  

It doesn't however take everything completely away all the time or even 
sometimes!  There doesn't seem to be anything that does that!  TM is worst than 
the weather in that if you don't like it stick around it can get worse! 

The gabapentin does seem to make me more drowsy no matter when or how I take 
it!  I take 300 mg 3X daily!  To prevent even worse afternoons, I take 300 mg 
in a.m.  and 600 mg at bedtime!  I must admit that the night sleep seems to be 
better!  Within 30 minutes, I'm fast asleep and usually sleep 7 hrs straight 
thru!  Sometimes this is bad because the bladder relaxes too much and in the 
morning I have to change the bed!  

TM in a way takes us all back to a 2nd childhood - learning to walk, toddling 
and falling, wearing diapers, changing clothes 2 or 3X daily, and changing 
beding in the morning!  If it wasn't for all the pain, I'd feel like a 1 year 
old!  Always wanted to do it over again but I had imagined starting back in the 
teens - I'd give TM up in heartbeat for a REAL BAD case of acne anyday! 

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patricia Cooley" <> 
Sent: Saturday, December 4, 2010 10:39:58 AM 
Subject: [TMIC] Med Question 

On Thursday I saw a new doctor, a physiatrist (sp), that my neuro recommended.  
I am very impressed with him and his care which was very thorough.  When I 
mentioned my freezing/burning and pain n my feet, he gave me a script for 
gabapentin. My previous neuro always said there was nothing I could take.  I 
know many of who have mentioned it previously.  I took my first capsule last 
night when I went to bed.  This morning I feel so groggy, like I had a night on 
the town last night.  Is that common?  Will it go away after I am on it for a 
while?  Maybe I should take it earlier in the evening so the affect wears off 
by morning. 


He has also recommend that I saw a ortho who will evaluate me to see if a brace 
on my bad leg would help with my balance and walking.  If it helps, I am game 
for anything. 


Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me. 


Patti - Wisconsin

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