I do the same thing. Only I forward it on to my husband so he can more understand what is going on with me. He is very understanding - usually trying to get me to slow down so I don't do the inevitable - overdo. But, when you are feeling pretty good, you want to keep going. Haven't quite mastered the technique of knowing when to stop and rest.
I love it when you guys help me put into words what is happening.
Love you guys,

-----Original Message----- From: jack...@att.blackberry.net
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:11 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Generic

Sometimes I push save on your messages or mark unopened - thinking ... Wow I'm going 2 save this 4 so & so 2 read this is good - this is just like me ..... If they read this it will explain my symptoms they will see that there r others out there feeling & doing the same behavior Now they will understand- they will get it now!! But then I don't show then. I just keep them. Most of you are blessed 2 have folks around that understand the pain & complications associated with tm and such a life changing event. I am loved by family however just feel lazy and worthless at times when I get stuck in comparing this life 2 life b4 tm. Ok enuff of my pity party. Thank God 4 all of you who I know understand fatigue pain and all the rest of the junk that goes with tm. Hv a good night. Thanks 4 being there. JackDuv
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