I was taught -- by generally followed and adhered to example --- that if you have nothing nice to
to say ABOUT someone, to say nothing.

So I won't name names but will proclaim on the list,
that if anyone ever again feels the need to  tell me

"You really need to get over your pity party and get on with your life."
that they should keep their ignorance, stupidity and insensitivity to themselves.

I will not be bullied or shamed into silence.
I will not pretend to be happy with my lack of resources or lack of support or lack options
I will not put a smiley face on my pain or my poverty
I will continue to wish for, organize for and agitate for paratransit, access and better
If you don't want to read what I have to say, just skip messages with my name in the header

There are ways to disagree without resorting to character assassination or insults.

It just bugs me as this seems to be characteristic of national discourse: blame the victim
or bully the person in need, or pain.

I thought of this place as a refuge, and perhaps, publicly it is.
That's what i want.

So no snarky, sniping private discourse -- this is the third time this has happened to me
here, which is why I'm yelling out loud about it.



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