i agree Akua,Dalton,
you are the only people on the planet that will put up with my pain and 
for instance,
had a spat with my family Dr the other day. The only think that has given me 
any shade of relief from the piercing pain in my side has been hydrocodone with 
atavan. the neuronton hasn't helped there and the baclofin hasn't helped there 
and the lyrica hasn't either.
He told me that if i didn't slow down with the hydrocodone that this time next 
year i would be addicted to it.
so with my fashionable humor i politely asked him what happened with the past 
2.5 years that i have been taking it?
all i wanted hm to do was to continue the status quoe.
i was getting 60 pills of hydrocodone about every 22 days that's an average of 
@ 3 a day sometimes less.
they are the 5/500's  
my last family Dr said i wasn't taking a dosage that would hurt me.
so in my analogy and metaphorically speaking,,,,Dr's kill me!
theres a pain clinic not far from here. A man i worked with goes there for back 
pain. he is taking the same things i take other than the neuronton and 
baclofin,so whats the point?
i asked the Dr if he was just getting tired of fooling with me.
I almost lost it with him.
almost allowed the baclofin do all the talking!
for lack of a better way of putting it,,i stay pissed off a lot.
but i would rather be aggravated that panfully jerking 
TM  love it or hate it it is the same result,,misery,pity,and pain.
I thank God for this list!

--- On Thu, 12/30/10, Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT: REQUEST
To: "Akua" <a...@artfarm.com>, tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 11:25 PM

Please, friends;

For some of us this is the only refuge wherein we can deal honestly with our 
frustrations, our isolation and our sense of hopelessness from what has taken 
over our bodies.  Those who before, we had considered friends and family, have 
long since taken their leave of us.

We must under all circumstances, try to support one another.  No one other than 
our own selves can say what our mental and emotional progress is supposed to be 
through this great life trial.

All things will pass away and good deeds alone will remain.  To the truth of 
this, every divinely revealed Book and Testament has declared.

Certainly, when we leave this life of pain and disappointments, we will be 
asked of our doings, and our capacity to sustain each other during times of 
difficulty and to maintain our relationships regardless of hardships, will 
place us in safety.

Good things blot out bad things.  Let’s try to help each other.


Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760-- 

From: Akua <a...@artfarm.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 18:50:22 -0500
To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-From: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 15:50:28 -0800

I was taught -- by generally followed and adhered to example --- that if you 
have nothing nice to
to say ABOUT someone, to say nothing.

So I won't name names but will proclaim on the list,
that if anyone ever again feels the need to  tell me

"You really need to get over your pity party and get on with your life."
that they should keep their ignorance, stupidity and insensitivity to 

I will not be bullied or shamed into silence.
I will not pretend to be happy with my lack of resources or lack of support or 
lack options
I will not put a smiley face on my pain or my poverty
I will continue to wish for, organize for and agitate for paratransit, access 
and better
If you don't want to read what I have to say, just skip messages with my name 
in the header

There are ways to disagree without resorting to character assassination or 

It just bugs me as this seems to be characteristic of national discourse: blame 
the victim
or bully the person in need, or pain.

I thought of this place as a refuge, and perhaps, publicly it is.
That's what i want.

So no snarky, sniping private discourse -- this is the third time this has 
happened to me
here, which is why I'm yelling out loud about it.


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