I've had TM for about 16 years (lesion found at C-2 through C-4).  Last 
February I started having new symptoms, swollen feet, fingers going numb, more 
pain in my hands, feet and legs.  My regular neuro did lots of MRIs thinking it 
was TM recurring.  She finally sent me to a neuro that specializes in 
peripheral nerve diseases and he diagnosed me with Mononeuritis Multiplex, 
which is a rare autoimmune disease that attacks peripheral nerves and causes 
muscle wasting.  I've been on weekly steroid IVs for about six months (had the 
last infusion on my 61st birthday)and take Imuran which is an immune system 

I follow all the TM posts, but rarely join in.  Some of the old-timers remember 
me.  Oh, by the way, I have a new e-mail address, r.c.pr...@frontier.com.  
Thanks for writing to me.

Roger, Kennewick, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Janice Nichols" <jan...@centurytel.net>
To: "Roger Pratt" <r.c.pr...@verizon.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 1, 2011 11:09:08 AM
Subject: Health

I don’t remember you posting here before.    How long have you had the first 
autoimmune disease and what was it?    Also, what was the 2nd one?    What a 
blow to the body.     I am really sorry.     What problems did it leave for 
you?    I am not nosy, just interested and concerned that one of us got hit 
I have had TM for 4 years.    I can walk, not gracefully, with my cane.    I 
use a wheelchair for distance.      
Hope to hear from you, 

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